Quotes with preschool

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  • Barbara Bush I'm a great believer that the most important years are the sort of early years but the preschool years and then into the first and second grades. If you get a good base in the first and second grade and you can read, you can do anything.
    Barbara Bush
    American First Lady (1925 - 2018)
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  • Busy Philipps I'm in the middle of my own 'Project Runway' challenge given to me by my daughter's preschool. All the parents have to make an outfit for their kids, for school pictures, made entirely out of recycled objects. I can not believe I have homework.
    Busy Philipps
    American actress and writer (1979 - )
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  • Bob Filner The government gets it right on Head Start. We are providing opportunities for children in underserved areas where parents may not be able to afford preschool so they can begin their schooling with a running or Head Start.
    Bob Filner
    American politician (1942 - )
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