Quotes 1 till 12 of 12.
Eccentricity has always abounded when and where strength of character has abounded; and the amount of eccentricity in a society has generally been proportional to the amount of genius, mental vigor, and moral courage which it contained.
Greatness of individuality is inversely proportional to the mass of the social aggregate.
Source: The Source and Aim of Human Progress (1919) -
I've advocated a proportional tax system. You make $10 billion, you pay a billion. You make $10, you pay one. And everybody gets treated the same way.
Literature does not exist in a vacuum. Writers as such have a definite social function exactly proportional to their ability as writers. This is their main use.
My number-one theory in life is that style is proportional to your lack of resources - the less you have, the more stylish you're likely to be.
The amount of eccentricity in a society has generally been proportional to the amount of genius, mental vigor, and moral courage it contained. That so few now dare to be eccentric marks the chief danger of the time.
The height of the pedestals of the statues we erect to our national heroes is mostly proportional to the number of people they killed.
The rate at which a person can mature is directly proportional to the embarrassment he can tolerate.
There is no proportional representation requirement in the Equal Protection Clause.
When you run into someone who is disagreeable to others, you may be sure he is uncomfortable with himself; the amount of pain we inflict upon others is directly proportional to the amount we feel within us.
You get stared at the whole time. I first noticed that when I was about 13. I was very shy. Being considered beautiful, I always felt that people were waiting for something more. I imagined you were supposed to have an intellectual ability - and I'm making no claims here - proportional to your supposed good looks.
Your chances of success are directly proportional to the degree of pleasure you desire from what you do. If you are in a job you hate, face the fact squarely and get out.
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