Quotes with raise

  • House Speaker Paul Ryan has actually started using a phrase lately - 'Raise our gaze.' He's exactly right, too. That's what I'd like to see in a presidential candidate. I don't like the bricks being thrown back and forth. That's not inspiring to me and to most of our elec

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  • Joseph Addison The greatest sweetener of human life is Friendship. To raise this to the highest pitch of enjoyment, is a secret which but few discover.
    Joseph Addison
    English politician, writer and poet (1672 - 1719)
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  • Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Freedom consists not in refusing to recognize anything above us, but in respecting something which is above us; for by respecting it, we raise ourselves to it, and, by our very acknowledgment, prove that we bear within ourselves what is higher, and are worthy to be on a level with it
    Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
    German writer and poet (1749 - 1832)
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  • Campbell Brown After a 15-year career in television news, sometimes spent biting my tongue in the name of objectivity and balance, I retired to raise our two small children.
    Campbell Brown
    American journalist (1968 - )
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  • Alan Greenspan Anything that we can do to raise personal savings is very much in the interest of this country.
    Alan Greenspan
    American economist (1926 - )
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  • Bernhard Schlink As a citizen and someone who was a judge on the constitutional law court for 18 years, I feel whenever I can raise my voice with the hope of being heard I need to do it, but I wouldn't assign a special wisdom and responsibility to writers.
    Bernhard Schlink
    German lawyer, academic, and novelist (1944 - )
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  • Caleb Cushing Be the responsibility on their heads who raise this novel and extraordinary question of reception, going to the unconstitutional abridgment, as I conceive, of the great right of petition inherent in the People of the United States.
    Caleb Cushing
    American Democratic politician and diplomat (1800 - 1879)
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  • Norman Vincent Peale Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities - always see them, for they're always there.
    Norman Vincent Peale
    American minister and author (1898 - 1993)
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  • Gloria Steinem By the year 2000 we will, I hope, raise our children to believe in human potential, not God.
    Gloria Steinem
    American feminist writer (1934 - )
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  • George Eliot Certainly, the mistakes that we male and female mortals make when we have our own way might fairly raise some wonder that we're so fond of it.
    George Eliot
    English writer and poet (1819 - 1880)
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  • Boomer Esiason Educate yourself. Understand what you're dealing with. Then figure out how to fight it. Then figure out how to raise money for that fight. It'll help you cope. It'll help your child.
    Boomer Esiason
    American football player (1961 - )
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  • Voltaire Every man is the creature of the age in which he lives; very few are able to raise themselves above the ideas of the time.
    French writer and philosopher (ps. of Fran ois Marie Arouet) (1694 - 1778)
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  • Campbell Brown Experience is a legitimate issue when John McCain raises it about Obama, and it's also legitimate for us to raise it about Palin.
    Campbell Brown
    American journalist (1968 - )
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  • John Gay Fools may our scorn, not envy, raise. For envy is a kind of praise.
    John Gay
    British playwright and poet (1685 - 1732)
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  • Aaron C. Brown From the lottery to raise the funds for the founding of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607 to the lottery used to pay the interest on Dutch loans to the United States during the Revolutionary War, the development of the United States was funded by gambling.
    Source: The Poker Face of Wall Street (2006) Ch. 4
    Aaron C. Brown
    American finance practitioner (1956 - )
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  • Bill Flores Healthy marriages are the ones between a man and a woman because they can have a healthy family, and they can raise children in a way that's best for their future, not only socially but psychologically, economically, from a health perspective.
    Bill Flores
    American businessman and politician (1954 - )
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  • Bill Flores House Speaker Paul Ryan has actually started using a phrase lately - 'Raise our gaze.' He's exactly right, too. That's what I'd like to see in a presidential candidate. I don't like the bricks being thrown back and forth. That's not inspiring to me and to most of our electorate, I think.
    Bill Flores
    American businessman and politician (1954 - )
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  • Anne McCaffrey I didn't raise Todd to be a writer, but he happened to be one anyway.
    Anne McCaffrey
    American-Irish writer (1926 - 2011)
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  • Toni Morrison I don't think one parent can raise a child. I don't think two parents can raise a child. You really need the whole village.
    Toni Morrison
    American novelist, essayist, editor (1931 - 2019)
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  • Anna Louise Strong I have very little hope that any permission can be gained for your organization. However, I shall place it in a special folder with similar applications and raise the question from time to time with such people here as may have authority.
    Anna Louise Strong
    American journalist and activist (1885 - 1970)
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  • Atom Egoyan I think the situation in Toronto is such that there are funding organizations which make it easy for a film to raise more money than it needs and very often that works against a film.
    Atom Egoyan
    Armenian-Canadian stage and film director and writer (1960 - )
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