Quotes with realities

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  • Bernard M. Baruch Approach each new problem not with a view of finding what you hope will be there, but to get the truth, the realities that must be grappled with. You may not like what you find. In that case you are entitled to try to change it. But do not deceive yourself as to what you do find to be the facts of the situation.
    Bernard M. Baruch
    American investor, philanthropist, statesman, and political consultant (1870 - 1965)
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  • Agnes Repplier Democracy forever teases us with the contrast between its ideals and its realities, between its heroic possibilities and its sorry achievements.
    Agnes Repplier
    American writer and social criticus (1855 - 1950)
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  • Christian Nevell Bovee No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities.
    Christian Nevell Bovee
    American writer
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  • Louis Aragon O reason, reason, abstract phantom of the waking state, I had already expelled you from my dreams, now I have reached a point where those dreams are about to become fused with apparent realities: now there is only room here for myself.
    Louis Aragon
    French poet (1897 - 1982)
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  • Ralph Waldo Emerson Self-reliance is its aversion. It loves not realities and creators, but names and customs.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    American poet and philosopher (1803 - 1882)
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  • Ralph Waldo Emerson Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members. The virtue in most request is conformity. Self-reliance is its aversion. It loves not realities and creators, but names and customs.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    American poet and philosopher (1803 - 1882)
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  • W. Lather Some memories are realities, and are better than anything that can ever happen to one again.
    W. Lather
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  • Bryant H. McGill The realities of the world seldom measure up to the sublime designs of human imagination.
    Bryant H. McGill
    American journalist and author (1969 - )
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  • Daniel Webster The world is governed more by appearances than by realities, so that it is fully as necessary to seem to know something as to know it.
    Daniel Webster
    American lawyer and statesman (1782 - 1852)
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  • Natalie Clifford Barney There are. intangible realities which float near us, formless and without words; realities which no one has thought out, and which are excluded for lack of interpreters.
    Natalie Clifford Barney
    American-born French author (1876 - 1972)
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  • Anna Lindh This is not bad, but the pace of globalisation has surpassed the capacity of the system to adjust to new realities of a more interdependent and integrated world.
    Anna Lindh
    Swedish Social Democratic politician (1957 - 2003)
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  • Anne C. Weisberg We all participate in weaving the social fabric; we should therefore all participate in patching the fabric when it develops holes mismatches between old expectations and current realities.
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  • Benedict Cumberbatch We're living through a time where we are fighting wars fostered by politics, admittedly not on the same scale as the First World War, but with equally tragic realities for our soldiers and their families.
    Benedict Cumberbatch
    English actor (1976 - )
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  • Brett Ratner At the end of the day, audiences just want to laugh and be entertained. They want to escape from their reality, and that's why we make movies, to get people to escape from the realities.
    Brett Ratner
    American director and producer (1969 - )
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  • I Ching Change is certain. Peace is followed by disturbances; departure of evil men by their return. Such recurrences should not constitute occasions for sadness but realities for awareness, so that one may be happy in the interim.
    I Ching
    Chinese classical text (Book of Changes)
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  • Ban Ki-moon Do not hide behind utopian logic which says that until we have the perfect security environment, nuclear disarmament cannot proceed. This is old-think. This is the mentality of the Cold War era. We must face the realities of the 21st century. The Conference on Disarmament can be a driving force for building a safer world and a better future.
    Ban Ki-moon
    South Korean politician and diplomat (1944 - )
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  • Barbara W. Tuchman Doctrine tied itself into infinite knots over the realities of sex.
    Source: A Distant Mirror
    Barbara W. Tuchman
    American historian (1912 - 1989)
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  • Abdallah II Historic changes and challenges. Breakthroughs in human knowledge and opportunity. And yet, for vast numbers across the globe, the daily realities have not altered.
    Abdallah II
    Jordan King (1962 - )
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  • Dr. Seuss I like nonsense - it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope... and that enables you to laugh at all of life's realities.
    Dr. Seuss
    American children's author, poet, and cartoonist (1904 - 1991)
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  • Theodor S. Geisel I like nonsense - it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope...and that enables you to laugh at all of life's realities.
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