Quotes with realms

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  • Rollo May It requires greater courage to preserve inner freedom, to move on in one's inward journey into new realms, than to stand defiantly for outer freedom. It is often easier to play the martyr, as it is to be rash in battle.
    Rollo May
    American psychologist
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  • John Keats Much have I traveled in the realms of gold, and many goodly states and kingdoms seen.
    John Keats
    English poet (1795 - 1821)
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  • Aaron Hill Shun fear, it is the ague of the soul! a passion man created for himself - for sure that cramp of nature could not dwell in the warm realms of glory.
    Aaron Hill
    English dramatist and writer (1685 - 1750)
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  • Hugh Reginald Haweis Words are poor interpreters in the realms of emotion. When all words end, music begins; when they suggest, it realizes; and hence is the secret of its strange, inexpressible power.
    Hugh Reginald Haweis
    English cleric and writer (1838 - 1901)
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