Quotes with recognize)

Quotes 61 till 80 of 140.

  • Aleksandr Solzjenitsyn Justice is conscience, not a personal conscience but the conscience of the whole of humanity. Those who clearly recognize the voice of their own conscience usually recognize also the voice of justice.
    Aleksandr Solzjenitsyn
    Russian Novelist (1918 - 2008)
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  • Christopher Lasch Knowledge is what we get when an observer, preferably a scientifically trained observer, provides us with a copy of reality that we can all recognize.
    Christopher Lasch
    American historian (1932 - 1994)
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  • Barbara Jordan Let us heed the voice of the people and recognize their common sense. If we do not, we not only blaspheme our political heritage, we ignore the common ties that bind all Americans.
    Barbara Jordan
    American lawyer, educator and politician (1936 - 1996)
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  • Oscar Wilde London is full of women who trust their husbands. One can always recognize them. They look so thoroughly unhappy.
    Oscar Wilde
    Irish writer (1854 - 1900)
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  • Bennett Cerf Middle age is when your classmates are so gray and wrinkled and bald they don't recognize you
    Bennett Cerf
    American publisher (1898 - 1971)
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  • Bennett Cerf Middle age is when your old classmates are so grey and wrinkled and bald they don't recognize you.
    Bennett Cerf
    American publisher (1898 - 1971)
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  • Barbara Boxer More than anything, I think as our country matures, we recognize that women deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.
    Barbara Boxer
    American politician (1940 - )
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  • Elmer G. Letterman Next in importance to having a good aim is to recognize when to pull the trigger.
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  • Beth Brooke Not only do the majority of senior women executives have sports in their background, they recognize that the behaviors and techniques learned through sports are critical to motivating teams and improving performance in a corporate environment.
    Beth Brooke
    American businesswoman and athelete (1959 - )
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  • Orson Welles Now we sit through Shakespeare in order to recognize the quotations.
    Orson Welles
    American film maker (1915 - 1985)
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  • Benjamin Netanyahu Now, when we say we want peace, what we want is really for our Palestinian neighbours to have a demilitarized state next to us that recognizes the Jewish State. We're willing to recognize their state, the Palestinian state. But we ask them to recognize the Jewish state.
    Benjamin Netanyahu
    Israeli politician (2009 - )
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  • Richard Nixon Once one determines that he or she has a mission in life, that's it's not going to be accomplished without a great deal of pain, and that the rewards in the end may not outweigh the pain -if you recognize historically that always happens, then when it comes, you survive it.
    Richard Nixon
    American president (1913 - 1994)
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  • Audre Lorde Once we recognize what it is we are feeling, once we recognize we can feel deeply, love deeply, can feel joy, then we will demand that all parts of our lives produce that kind of joy.
    Audre Lorde
    American writer, feminist, womanist, librarian, and civil (1934 - 1992)
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  • Arnold Glasgow One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency.
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  • Muriel Spark One's prime is elusive. You little girls, when you grow up, must be on the alert to recognize your prime at whatever time of your life it may occur. You must then live it to the full.
    Muriel Spark
    British writer (1918 - 2006)
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  • Thomas Carlyle Only the person of worth can recognize the worth in others.
    Thomas Carlyle
    Scottish writer and historicus (1795 - 1881)
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  • Ann Landers Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don't recognize them.
    Ann Landers
    American columnist (1918 - 2002)
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  • Berenice Bejo People recognize me, I have scripts, and auditions. And I meet great people.
    Berenice Bejo
    French-Argentine actress (1976 - )
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  • Pearl Bailey People see God every day; they just don't recognize Him.
    Pearl Bailey
    American actress (1918 - 1990)
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  • Agnes Repplier People who cannot recognize a palpable absurdity are very much in the way of civilization.
    Agnes Repplier
    American writer and social criticus (1855 - 1950)
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