Quotes with reinforce

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  • Bill Hybels Adoration in prayer reminds us of God's identity and inclination. As we list his attributes, lifting up his character and personality, we reinforce our understanding of who he is.
    Source: Too Busy Not to Pray
    Bill Hybels
    American church figure and author (1951 - )
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  • Barney Frank Most people who are activists and are concerned about issues get their information from sources which reinforce their opinions and give them the facts that they want to hear.
    Barney Frank
    American politician (1940 - )
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  • B. F. Skinner The ideal of behaviorism is to eliminate coercion: to apply controls by changing the environment in such a way as to reinforce the kind of behavior that benefits everyone.
    B. F. Skinner
    American psychologist, behaviorist and author (1904 - 1990)
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  • Barney Frank The left and the right live in parallel universes. The right listens to talk radio, the left's on the Internet and they just reinforce one another. They have no sense of reality. I have now one ambition: to retire before it becomes essential to tweet.
    Barney Frank
    American politician (1940 - )
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  • Ben Goldacre There is this peculiar blind spot in the culture of academic medicine around whether withholding trial results is research misconduct. People who work in any industry can reinforce each others' ideas about what is okay.
    Ben Goldacre
    British physician, academic (1974 - )
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