Quotes with repetitive

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  • Brandon Sanderson Fantasy has had some problems with being too repetitive, in my opinion. I try to read what other people are doing - and say, 'How can I add to this rather than just recycle it? How can I stand on Tolkien's shoulders rather than stand tied to his kneecaps?'
    Brandon Sanderson
    American author of epic fantasy and science fiction (1975 - )
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  • Bruce Nauman In the studio, I don't do a lot of work that requires repetitive activity. I spend a lot of time looking and thinking and then try to find the most efficient way to get what I want, whether it's making a drawing or a sculpture, or casting plaster or whatever.
    Bruce Nauman
    American artist (1941 - )
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  • Angela Davis Invisible, repetitive, exhausting, unproductive, uncreative - these are the adjectives which most perfectly capture the nature of housework.
    Source: Women, Race, & Class (2011) 222
    Angela Davis
    American political activist, philosopher, academic, and author (1944 - )
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  • Bill Dedman NBC News found that FEMA has redrawn maps even for properties that have repeatedly filed claims for flood losses from previous storms. At least some of the properties are on the secret 'repetitive loss list' that FEMA sends to communities to alert them to problem properties.
    Bill Dedman
    American journalist (1960 - )
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  • Grace Speare Only one thing registers on the subconscious mind: repetitive application - practice. What you practice is what you manifest.
    Grace Speare
    American author (1927 - )
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  • Bill Drayton Organizations must shift away from repetitive-function hierarchies with rules and enforcement and walls. Instead, we must migrate rapidly to becoming a global 'team of teams' that comes together in whatever combination necessary to add the greatest value to the changes underway.
    Bill Drayton
    American social entrepreneur
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  • Denis Waitley Relentless, repetitive self talk is what changes our self-image.
    Denis Waitley
    American motivational speaker, writer and consultant (1933 - )
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  • Claude M. Bristol These repetitive words and phrases are merely methods of convincing the subconscious mind.
    Claude M. Bristol
    American writer
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  • Ben Saunders When I'm skiing, I listen to electronic music. It's repetitive and let's me get into a groove and crank out the miles.
    Ben Saunders
    British explorer
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