Quotes with reproduction

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  • Man Ray An original is a creation motivated by desire. Any reproduction of an originals motivated be necessity. It is marvelous that we are the only species that creates gratuitous forms. To create is divine, to reproduce is human.
    Man Ray
    American visual artist (1890 - 1976)
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  • Stephen Bayley As the twentieth century ends, commerce and culture are coming closer together. The distinction between life and art has been eroded by fifty years of enhanced communications, ever-improving reproduction technologies and increasing wealth.
    Stephen Bayley
    British art criticus (1951 - )
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  • Alfred de Vigny Of what use were the arts if they were only the reproduction and the imitation of life?
    Alfred de Vigny
    French poet and writer (1797 - 1863)
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  • Lewis Mumford The chief function of the city is to convert power into form, energy into culture, dead matter into the living symbols of art, biological reproduction into social creativity.
    Lewis Mumford
    American social philosopher (1895 - 1990)
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  • Benito Mussolini The fate of nations is intimately bound up with their powers of reproduction. All nations and all empires first felt decadence gnawing at them when their birth rate fell off.
    Benito Mussolini
    Italian journalist, politician and dictator (1883 - 1945)
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  • Jean Giraudoux The flower is the poetry of reproduction. It is the example of the eternal seductiveness of life.
    Jean Giraudoux
    French writer (1882 - 1944)
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  • Kate Millet The great mass of women throughout history have been confined to the cultural level of animal life in providing the male with sexual outlet and exercising the animal functions of reproduction and care of the young.
    Kate Millet
    American writer (1934 - 2017)
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  • Jean Baudrillard The very definition of the real becomes: that of which it is possible to give an equivalent reproduction. The real is not only what can be reproduced, but that which is always already reproduced. The hyper real.
    Jean Baudrillard
    French sociologist and philosopher. (1929 - 2007)
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  • Ludwig Wittgenstein It is so characteristic, that just when the mechanics of reproduction are so vastly improved, there are fewer and fewer people who know how the music should be played.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein
    Austrian - English philosopher (1889 - 1951)
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  • Edgar Allan Poe Were I called on to define, very briefly, the term Art, I should call it ''the reproduction of what the Senses perceive in Nature through the veil of the soul.'' The mere imitation, however accurate, of what is in Nature, entitles no man to the sacred name of ''Artist.''
    Edgar Allan Poe
    American poet, writer and critic (1809 - 1849)
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