Quotes with retains

Quotes 1 till 6 of 6.

  • Sigmund Freud If a man has been his mother's undisputed darling he retains throughout life the triumphant feeling, the confidence in success, which not seldom brings actual success along with it.
    Sigmund Freud
    Austrian psychiatrist (1856 - 1939)
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  • Augustus William Hare The mind is like a sheet of white paper in this, that the impression it receivest oftenest, and retains the longest, are black ones.
    Augustus William Hare
    British writer (1792 - 1834)
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  • Berthold Auerbach The silver-leaved birch retains in its old age a soft bark; there are some such men.
    Berthold Auerbach
    German-Jewish writer and poet (1812 - 1882)
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  • Carl von Clausewitz Two qualities are indispensable: first, an intellect that, even in the darkest hour, retains some glimmerings of the inner light which leads to truth; and second, the courage to follow this faint light wherever it may lead.
    Carl von Clausewitz
    Prussian general and military theorist (1780 - 1831)
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  • Francis Quarles Wisdom not only gets, but once got, retains.
    Francis Quarles
    British poet (1592 - 1644)
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  • Andre Breton Nothing retains less of desire in art, in science, than this will to industry, booty, possession.
    Andre Breton
    French writer (1896 - 1966)
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