Quotes with reveal

Quotes 21 till 40 of 53.

  • Friedrich von Schiller It is often wise to reveal that which cannot be concealed for long.
    Friedrich von Schiller
    German poet and playwright (1759 - 1805)
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  • David Copperfield It is the unspoken ethic of all magicians to not reveal the secrets.
    David Copperfield
    American magician (1956 - )
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  • Armistead Maupin It may interest you to know that my breakup with Terry and this mystery did not happen concurrently in real life. That is a writer's device, which places Gabriel under even greater pressure when the mystery begins to reveal itself.
    Armistead Maupin
    American writer (1944 - )
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  • Albert Einstein It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.
    Source: The Human Side (1954)
    Albert Einstein
    German - American physicist (1879 - 1955)
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  • Philip Roth It's human to have a secret, but it's just as human to reveal it sooner or later.
    Philip Roth
    American Novelist (1933 - 2018)
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  • Bruce Greenwood It's just like any relationship, the more contained the environment, the more the good stuff appears and the more the bad stuff will reveal itself.
    Bruce Greenwood
    Canadian actor and producer (1956 - )
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  • Bernie S. Siegel Life is a miracle, and we need to not fear trying to achieve our potential and reveal the remarkable creation we and all living things are and that our Creator has built into us the ability to induce self-healing.
    Bernie S. Siegel
    American writer and pediatric surgeon (1932 - )
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  • Carol Ann Duffy Like the sand and the oyster, it's a creative irritant. In each poem, I'm trying to reveal a truth, so it can't have a fictional beginning.
    Carol Ann Duffy
    British poet and playwright (1955 - )
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  • Joyce Brothers Love comes when manipulation stops; when you think more about the other person than about his or her reactions to you. When you dare to reveal yourself fully. When you dare to be vulnerable.
    Joyce Brothers
    American psychologist and columnist (1927 - 2013)
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  • Anthony Hecht Mysteries, like the Masonic rites, are ones parents and elders are sworn not to reveal to the uninitiated, which include all children. And so we sought for signs.
    Anthony Hecht
    American poet (1923 - 2004)
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  • Arthur Erickson No amount of thought can ever reveal what comes unexpectedly.
    Arthur Erickson
    Canadian architect and urban (1924 - 2009)
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  • Kahlil Gibran No man can reveal to you nothing but that which already lies half-asleep in the dawning of your knowledge.
    Kahlil Gibran
    Libian painter and writer (1883 - 1931)
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  • Ansel Adams No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit.
    Ansel Adams
    American landscape photographer and environmentalist (1902 - 1984)
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  • Lydia M. Child None speak of the bravery, the might, or the intellect of Jesus; but the devil is always imagined as a being of acute intellect, political cunning, and the fiercest courage. These universal and instinctive tendencies of the human mind reveal much.
    Lydia M. Child
    American Abolitionist, Writer, Editor (1802 - 1880)
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  • Ben Bass One of the ways that you reveal character is by getting a character into a situation and seeing what they do.
    Ben Bass
    American–Canadian actor
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  • John Dryden Seek not to know what must not be reveal, for joy only flows where fate is most concealed. A busy person would find their sorrows much more; if future fortunes were known before!
    John Dryden
    English poet and playwright (1631 - 1700)
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  • Aaron Levenstein Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital.
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  • Alfred de Vigny The acts of the human race on the world's stage have doubtless a coherent unity, but the meaning of the vast tragedy enacted will be visible only to the eye of God, until the end, which will reveal it perhaps to the last man.
    Alfred de Vigny
    French poet and writer (1797 - 1863)
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  • Leon Trotsky The depth and strength of a human character are defined by its moral reserves. People reveal themselves completely only when they are thrown out of the customary conditions of their life, for only then do they have to fall back on their reserves.
    Leon Trotsky
    Russian revolutionary and writer (1879 - 1940)
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  • Carl Friedrich Gauss The enchanting charms of this sublime science reveal only to those who have the courage to go deeply into it.
    Carl Friedrich Gauss
    German mathematician and physicist (1777 - 1855)
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