Quotes with roof-tops

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  • George Carlin Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck.
    George Carlin
    American stand-up comedian, actor and author (1937 - 2008)
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  • Adlai Stevenson II The idea that you can merchandise candidates for high office like breakfast cereal - that you can gather votes like box tops - is, I think, the ultimate indignity to the democratic process.
    Adlai Stevenson II
    American politician and governor (1900 - 1965)
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  • John F. Kennedy The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.
    Source: Second State of the Union Address, 11-01-1962
    John F. Kennedy
    American politician (1917 - 1963)
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  • Matthew Arnold Bald as the bare mountain tops are bald, with a baldness full of grandeur.
    Matthew Arnold
    British critic and poet (1822 - 1888)
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  • Carol Burnett But I don't begrudge anybody, because I know how hard it is to have that dream and to make it happen, whether or not it's just to put a roof over your head and food on the table.
    Carol Burnett
    American actress, comedian, singer, and writer (1933 - )
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  • Billie Burke But if people will laugh at my work and keep a sound roof over my head, who am I to complain?
    Billie Burke
    American actress (1884 - 1970)
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  • James Russell Lowell Compromise makes a good umbrella, but a poor roof; it is temporary expedient, often wise in party politics, almost sure to be unwise ;in statesmanship.
    James Russell Lowell
    American Romantic poet, critic, editor, and diplomat (1819 - 1891)
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  • Confucius Don't complain about the snow on your neighbor's roof when your own doorstep is unclean.
    Chinese philosopher (551 - 479)
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  • B. Wayne Hughes Have you read 'The Grapes of Wrath?' That was my family. My dad was a sharecropper in western Oklahoma. When the dust storms came and everything got wiped out, they came to California. The guys with the mattresses on the tops of their cars in the movie? That was the way it was.
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  • George Borrow I am invariably of the politics of the people at whose table I sit, or beneath whose roof I sleep.
    George Borrow
    English writer of novels and travel books (1803 - 1881)
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  • Leonard Cohen I have nothing against the Queen of England. Even in my heart I never resented her for not being Jackie Kennedy. She is, to my mind, a very gallant lady, victimized by whoever it is who designs the tops of her uniforms.
    Leonard Cohen
    Canadian-born American Musician, Songwriter, Singer (1934 - 2016)
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  • Allan Carr I went to Montreal. My first gig went very badly. They just weren't laughing at anything. I found out they were a load of Christians, and it was a gig to raise money for a new church roof.
    Allan Carr
    American theater producer and manager (1937 - 1999)
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  • Ben van Berkel In the early work of Frank Lloyd Wright - and you can also see it with Mies - they make new ground by raising the ground. Frank Lloyd Wright did it so beautifully with the Robie House. The roof becomes almost a new ground.
    Ben van Berkel
    Dutch architect
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  • Srully Blotnick Instead of rising rapidly in the beginning and flattening out later, the earnings curves of most those who eventually become millionaires was the reverse; their income increased slowly, if at all, for many years. And then after two to three decades, it suddenly went through the roof.
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  • Busta Rhymes It's been three years since I last performed here so I'm dying to tear the roof off Wembley Arena with some old school joints and brand new bangers. When I'm done, you're gonna remember it for a long time to come.
    Busta Rhymes
    American rapper, musician, record producer and actor (1972 - )
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  • Bret Harte Last night, above the whistling wind, I heard the welcome rain, — A fusillade upon the roof, A tattoo on the pane: The keyhole piped; the chimney-top A warlike trumpet blew.
    Bret Harte
    American short story writer and poet (1836 - 1902)
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  • Althea Gibson Most of us who aspire to be tops in our fields don't really consider the amount of work required to stay tops.
    Althea Gibson
    American tennis player (1927 - 2003)
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  • Bryce Dallas Howard My parents taught me many of the things that people need in life to feel confident: practical things, such as managing finances, mucking out the goat barn, cleaning a house, doing repairs, mending a broken roof or a toilet.
    Bryce Dallas Howard
    American actress and filmmaker (1981 - )
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  • Cam Newton One day I hope to open my own day-care center. My passion for kids is through the roof.
    Cam Newton
    American football player (1989 - )
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  • George Steiner Pornographers subvert this last, vital privacy; they do our imagining for us. They take away the words that were of the night and shout them over the roof-tops, making them hollow.
    George Steiner
    French-born American Critic, Novelist (1929 - 2020)
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