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A salesman must also have flexible goals. You may say, ''I want to sell 10 accounts this week,'' and you sell five. You're ready to die. But, you tell yourself, ''Five isn't too bad. You know, next week maybe I'll sell 10.
After all, there are worse things in life than death. If you've ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman, you know what I'm talking about.
Love and Death (1975) -
Every actor is somewhat mad, or else he'd be a plumber or a bookkeeper or a salesman.
In business, you're the Chief Salesman. Create a sense of demand, rather than waiting to have demand.
In the modern world of business, it is useless to be a creative original thinker unless you can also sell what you create. Management cannot be expected to recognize a good idea unless it is presented to them by a good salesman.
Like most people, I was not able to start selling my stories right away. So I had many other jobs along the way to becoming a writer, including toy maker, gravedigger, cookware salesman, and assembly line worker. Eventually, I became an elementary teacher and worked with second and fourth graders.
Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman - not the attitude of the prospect.
So the poet, who wants to be something that he cannot be, and is a failure in plain life, makes up fictitious versions of his predicament that are interesting even to other persons because nobody is a perfect automobile salesman.
The book salesman should be honored because he brings to our attention, as a rule, the very books we need most and neglect most.
The salesman knows nothing of what he is selling save that he is charging a great deal too much for it.
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