Quotes with satellite

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  • Ralph Waldo Emerson Books are the best of things if well used; if abused, among the worst. They are good for nothing but to inspire. I had better never see a book than be warped by its attraction clean out of my own orbit, and made a satellite instead of a system.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    American poet and philosopher (1803 - 1882)
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  • Barbara Demick If you look at satellite photographs of the Far East by night, you'll see a large splotch curiously lacking in light. This area of darkness is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
    Barbara Demick
    American journalist
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  • Bobby Ghosh On the 11th anniversary of 9/11, it is some consolation that the man most responsible for that terrible morning will not be smiling smugly to himself as satellite TV brings to the leafy boulevards of Abbottabad the somber images of New Yorkers commemorating those who perished in the Twin Towers.
    Bobby Ghosh
    Indian-born American journalist and commentator
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  • Campbell Brown Parents should be allowed to choose which cable or satellite channels - sources of the most extreme content - come into their homes.
    Campbell Brown
    American journalist (1968 - )
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  • B. W. Powe We have to learn how to contact one another over an enormous land space, across five-and-a-half time zones, in what as once a wilderness of scattered settlements, in what is now a sprawl of suburban edge cities and satellite towns. Technology forges connections and disconnections here.
    Source: Towards A Canada of Light First Meditation, p. 35
    B. W. Powe
    Canadian poet, novelist and teacher (1955 - )
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