Quotes with scrub

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  • Alan Alda Begin challenging your own assumptions. Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in awhile, or the light won't come in.
    Alan Alda
    American actor, director, screenwriter, and author. (1936 - )
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  • Banksy Graffiti's always been a temporary art form. You make your mark and then they scrub it off.
    England-based anonymous street artist and political activist
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  • Al Sharpton I was raised by a single mother who made a way for me. She used to scrub floors as a domestic worker, put a cleaning rag in her pocketbook and ride the subways in Brooklyn so I would have food on the table. But she taught me as I walked her to the subway that life is about not where you start, but where you're going. That's family values.
    Al Sharpton
    American civil rights activist, Baptist minister and talk show host (1954 - )
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