Quotes with self-service

Quotes 421 till 440 of 849.

  • Walter Benjamin Nothing is poorer than a truth expressed as it was thought. Committed to writing in such cases, it is not even a bad photograph. Truth wants to be startled abruptly, at one stroke, from her self-immersion, whether by uproar, music or cries for help.
    Walter Benjamin
    German philosopher (1892 - 1940)
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  • John Milton Nothing profits more than self-esteem, grounded on what is just and right.
    John Milton
    English poet, polemicist and man of letters (1608 - 1674)
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  • François Fénelon Nothing will make us so charitable and tender to the faults of others, as, by self-examination, thoroughly to know our own.
    François Fénelon
    French writer and archbishop (1651 - 1715)
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  • Barry Humphries Now the point of comedy is not just looking funny, it's use of language. We have at our disposal a great language... and the imaginative, creative use of that language can be at the service of humour.
    Barry Humphries
    Australian comedian, actor, artist, and author (1934 - 2023)
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  • Bede Griffiths Obedience is detachment from the self. This is the most radical detachment of all. But what is the self? The self is the principle of reason and responsibility in us. It is the root of freedom, it is what makes us men.
    Bede Griffiths
    British-born priest and Benedictine monk (1906 - 1993)
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  • William Arthur Ward Obedience to our Heavenly Father starts with our loving service to a needy brother.
    William Arthur Ward
    American writer and poet (1921 - 1994)
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  • Marilyn Ferguson Of all the self-fulfilling prophecies in our culture, the assumption that aging means decline and poor health is probably the deadliest.
    Marilyn Ferguson
    American author, editor and public speaker (1938 - 2008)
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  • Joan Didion Of course great hotels have always been social ideas, flawless mirrors to the particular societies they service.
    Joan Didion
    American Essayist (1934 - 2021)
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  • Brandon Sanderson Of course not, she agreed, You are nothing if not exhaustive in your self-congratulatory made-up logic.
    Source: Warbreaker (2009) Blushweaver
    Brandon Sanderson
    American author of epic fantasy and science fiction (1975 - )
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  • Bernard M. Baruch Old books that have ceased to be of service should no more be abandoned than should old friends who have ceased to give pleasure.
    Bernard M. Baruch
    American investor, philanthropist, statesman, and political consultant (1870 - 1965)
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  • Bill Flores On Memorial Day, we remember the service of those brave military men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice defending and protecting our freedoms.
    Bill Flores
    American businessman and politician (1954 - )
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  • Bo Burnham Once a week, I like to slip into a deep existential depression where I lose all my sense of oneness and self-worth.
    Bo Burnham
    American comedian, musician, actor and poet (1990 - )
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  • Arthur Ashe One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation
    Arthur Ashe
    Robert Ashe Jr (1943 - 1993)
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  • Gilbert Keith Chesterton One may understand the Cosmos, but never the ego; the self is more distant than any star.
    Gilbert Keith Chesterton
    English writer (1874 - 1936)
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  • Charles Horton Cooley One of the great reasons for the popularity of strikes is that they give the suppressed self a sense of power. For once the human tool knows itself a man, able to stand up and speak a word or strike a blow.
    Charles Horton Cooley
    American sociologist (1864 - 1929)
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  • Harry A. Overstreet One of the most important phases of maturing is that of growth from self-centering to an understanding relationship to others. A person is not mature until he has both an ability and a willingness to see himself as one among others and to do unto those others as he would have them do to him.
    Harry A. Overstreet
    American writer and lecturer (1875 - 1970)
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  • Maxwell Maltz One of the reasons it has seemed so difficult for a person to change his habits, his personality, or his way of life, has been that heretofore nearly all efforts at change have been directed to the circumference of the self, so to speak, rather than to the center.
    Maxwell Maltz
    American surgeon and author (1889 - 1975)
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  • Curtis Carlson Only as long as a company can produce a desired, worthwhile, and needed product or service, and can command the public, will it receive the public dollar and succeed
    Curtis Carlson
    American businessman and technologist (1945 - )
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  • Viktor E. Frankl Only to the extent that someone is living out this self transcendence of human existence, is he truly human or does he become his true self. He becomes so, not by concerning himself with his self's actualization, but by forgetting himself and giving himself, overlooking himself and focusing outward.
    Viktor E. Frankl
    Austrian psychiatrist (1905 - 1997)
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  • Lord Chesterfield Our own self-love draws a thick veil between us and our faults.
    Lord Chesterfield
    English statesman, diplomat and writer (Philip Dormer Stanhope) (1694 - 1773)
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