Quotes with sells

Quotes 1 till 18 of 18.

  • Ben Lovett A lot of bad music sells a million copies; I don't think it's a good litmus test for whether things are going well.
    Ben Lovett
    American recording artist, film composer, songwriter and producer (1978 - )
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  • Bob Dylan And the National Bank at a profit sells road maps for the soul
    To the old folks home and the college
    Source: Highway 61 Revisited (1965)
    Bob Dylan
    American musician (1941 - )
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  • Charles Baudelaire Any man who does not accept the conditions of human life sells his soul.
    Charles Baudelaire
    French poet (1821 - 1867)
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  • Bruce Vilanch Every single line on the Oscar show is negotiated. Unless you've been there, you have no idea how it is put together. It's like nothing else on earth. I'm writing a book about it, but I have to throw in my sexual escapades to make sure it sells.
    Bruce Vilanch
    American comedy writer, songwriter and actor (1948 - )
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  • Ivern Ball He's the type who makes mountains out of molehills and then sells climbing equipment.
    Ivern Ball
    American author (1926 - 1992)
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  • Bruce Oldfield I was getting a lot of editorial, as in lots of pages in 'Vogue,' but it's far more important to get your dresses on the back of a famous person. Charlotte Rampling in Bruce Oldfield. That sells.
    Bruce Oldfield
    British fashion designer (1950 - )
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  • Theodore Levitt Kodak sells film, but they don't advertise film; they advertise memories.
    Theodore Levitt
    German American economist and professor at Harvard Business School (1925 - 2006)
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  • Jerry Gillies Making a million dollars is the simplest thing in the world. Just find a product that sells for $2000 and that you can buy at a cost of $1000, and sell a thousand of them.
    Jerry Gillies
    American writer
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  • Cassandra Clare Nobody sells books like J.K. Rowling. We have a rule in publishing: Never compare anything to 'Harry Potter' because it's like lightning in a bottle.
    Cassandra Clare
    American author of young adult fiction (1973 - )
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  • Peter F. Drucker The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.
    Peter F. Drucker
    American management consultant and writer (1909 - 2005)
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  • John F. Kennedy The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways.
    John F. Kennedy
    American politician (1917 - 1963)
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  • Bob Mayer The most important thing is readers. I've got a huge Twitter following, but I don't really think it sells books; I don't think a huge Facebook following sells books - although these things aren't bad, of course.
    Bob Mayer
    American author (1959 - )
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  • Abu Sa'id The true saint goes in and out amongst the people and eats and sleeps with them and buys and sells in the market and marries and takes part in social intercourse, and never forgets God for a single moments.
    Abu Sa'id
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  • Armstrong Williams There are two sayings that are familiar in every news room across the country: 1) sex sells; 2) if it bleeds it leads.
    Armstrong Williams
    American political commentator, entrepreneur and author (1962 - )
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  • Amelia E. Barr This world is run with far too tight a rein for luck to interfere. Fortune sells her wares; she never gives them. In some form or other, we pay for her favors; or we go empty away.
    Amelia E. Barr
    British novelist and teacher (1831 - 1919)
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  • Jean de la Fontaine We read on the foreheads of those who are surrounded by a foolish luxury, that fortune sells what she is thought to give.
    Jean de la Fontaine
    French writer (1621 - 1695)
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  • Mahatma Gandhi What is a man if he is not a thief who openly charges as much as he can for the goods he sells?
    Mahatma Gandhi
    Indian politician (1869 - 1948)
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  • Cameron Diaz You never know what movie I will be in next, but let's just hope it's sells (for my sake at least)!
    Cameron Diaz
    American actress, author, producer, and model (1972 - )
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