Quotes with seven-thirty

Quotes 81 till 100 of 117.

  • Nicholas Butler The epitaphs on tombstones of a great many people should read: Died at thirty, and buried at sixty.
    Nicholas Butler
    American philosopher, diplomat, and educator
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  • Charles Caleb Colton The excess of our youth are checks written against our age and they are payable with interest thirty years later.
    Charles Caleb Colton
    English writer (1777 - 1832)
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  • Arthur Schopenhauer The first forty years of life give us the text; the next thirty supply the commentary on it.
    Arthur Schopenhauer
    German philosopher (1788 - 1860)
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  • Og Mandino The master of a single trade can support a family. The master of seven trades cannot support himself. The wind is never for the sailor who knows not to what port he is bound.
    Og Mandino
    American author (1923 - 1996)
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  • Calvin Trillin The most remarkable thing about my mother is that for thirty years she served the family nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found.
    Calvin Trillin
    American journalist, humorist, food writer and poet (1935 - )
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  • David Ogilvy The secret of long life is double careers. One to about age sixty, then another for the next thirty years.
    David Ogilvy
    American businessman, Advertising Expert (1911 - 1999)
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  • George Bernard Shaw The seven deadly sins... food, clothing, firing, rent, taxes, respectability and children. Nothing can lift those seven millstones from Man's neck but money; and the spirit cannot soar until the millstones are lifted.
    George Bernard Shaw
    Irish-English writer and critic (1856 - 1950)
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  • Benjamin Graham The story of Joseph in Egypt and of the seven fat and the seven lean years has passed into the homely wisdom of the ages; but our economic thinking seems to have lost contact with so simple and basic approach to prudent management of a nations welfare.
    Source: World Commodities and World Currencies Ch. V, Stabilization of Raw Materials, p. 56
    Benjamin Graham
    British-born American economist, professor and investor (1894 - 1976)
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  • Robert Browning The year's at the spring; And day's at the morn; Morning's at seven; The hill-side's dew-pearled; The lark's on the wing; The snail's on the thorn: God's in his heaven, All's right with the world!
    Robert Browning
    English poet (1812 - 1889)
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  • Bonnie Hunt There were seven kids in our family. My mom had seven kids in 10 years. So you had to learn how to talk and think fast if you wanted to be heard.
    Bonnie Hunt
    American actress, comedian, director and producer (1961 - )
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  • Bob Dylan There's seven people dead
    On a South Dakota farm
    Somewhere in the distance
    There's seven new people born
    Source: The Times They Are A-Changin (1964)
    Bob Dylan
    American musician (1941 - )
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  • Ben Bradlee They cut about seven minutes from that broadcast, but it was still vital to the story's momentum.
    Ben Bradlee
    American journalist (1921 - 2014)
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  • Benito Mussolini Thirty centuries of history allow us to look with supreme pity on certain doctrines which are preached beyond the Alps by the descendants of those who were illiterate when Rome had Caesar, Virgil and Augustus.
    Benito Mussolini
    Italian journalist, politician and dictator (1883 - 1945)
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  • C. S. Lewis Thirty was so strange for me. I've really had to come to terms with the fact that I am now a walking and talking adult.
    C. S. Lewis
    Irish novelist and poet (1898 - 1963)
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  • Bill Hybels Thirty years ago, we were in a movie theater and thought it was so cool because we were finally delivered from the horrors of stained glass and wooden pews.
    Bill Hybels
    American church figure and author (1951 - )
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  • Oscar Wilde Thirty-five is a very attractive age. London society is full of women of the highest birth who have, of their own free choice, remained thirty-five for years.
    Oscar Wilde
    Irish writer (1854 - 1900)
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  • Abbe Pierre Those seven years in the cloister were the key to my life.
    Abbe Pierre
    French Catholic priest (born Henri Grous) (1912 - 2007)
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  • Carl Friedrich Gauss To praise it would amount to praising myself. For the entire content of the work... coincides almost exactly with my own meditations which have occupied my mind for the past thirty or thirty-five years.
    Carl Friedrich Gauss
    German mathematician and physicist (1777 - 1855)
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  • Ban Ki-moon We have reached a new milestone as a human family. With seven billion of us now inhabiting our planet, it is time to ask some fundamental questions. How can we provide a dignified life for ourselves and future generations while preserving and protecting the global commons - the atmosphere, the oceans and the ecosystems that support us?
    Ban Ki-moon
    South Korean politician and diplomat (1944 - )
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  • Bill Rancic Well, the 'Giuliana & Bill' show is a little bit different because Giuliana and I are the executive producers of the show, so certainly we have a lot of control and we have total, I guess if we wanted to, editing power, but I will say, in the seven seasons we've done the show, we've never used our executive producer powers to cut something out.
    Bill Rancic
    American entrepreneur (1971 - )
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