Quotes with sexist

  • American feminism's nose dive began when Kate Millet, that imploding beanbag of poisonous self-pity, declared Freud a sexist. Trying to build a sex theory without studying Freud, women have made nothing but mud pies.

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  • Camille Paglia American feminism's nose dive began when Kate Millet, that imploding beanbag of poisonous self-pity, declared Freud a sexist. Trying to build a sex theory without studying Freud, women have made nothing but mud pies.
    Source: Sex, Art and American Culture : New Essays (1992)
    Camille Paglia
    American academic and social critic (1947 - )
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  • Madonna Don't be fooled, not much has changed - certainly not for women. We still live in a very sexist society that wants to limit people.
    Source: Cosmopolitan, May 2015
    American musician, singer and actress (1958 - )
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  • Betty Williams I'm not sexist in any way - sexism is another form of violence, and there are many great men in this world.
    Betty Williams
    Irish activist (1943 - 2020)
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  • Campbell Brown Let's just start with the word 'diva.' It is obviously a sexist slight - a term that is only applied to women, almost always in a derogatory way. It's usually applied to women who are viewed as overly ambitious. It is applied to demanding women, to women who follow their own path.
    Campbell Brown
    American journalist (1968 - )
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  • Ben Shapiro The ouster of Jill Abramson as executive editor of 'The New York Times' sent shock waves through the media landscape. Reports that she was fired thanks in part to a soured relationship based on the 'Times' alleged sexist pay discrepancy only made those shock waves stronger.
    Ben Shapiro
    American conservative political commentator and attorney (1984 - )
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