Quotes with simone

Quotes 61 till 80 of 107.

  • Simone Weil It would seem that man was born a slave, and that slavery is his natural condition. At the same time nothing on earth can stop man from feeling himself born for liberty. Never, whatever may happen, can he accept servitude; for he is a thinking creature.
    Simone Weil
    French philosopher (1909 - 1943)
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  • Simone Weil Learn to reject friendship, or rather the dream of friendship. To want friendship is a great fault. Friendship ought to be a gratuitous joy, like the joys afforded by art, or life (like aesthetic joys). I must refuse it in order to be worthy to receive it
    Simone Weil
    French philosopher (1909 - 1943)
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  • Simone Weil Life does not need to mutilate itself in order to be pure.
    Simone Weil
    French philosopher (1909 - 1943)
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  • Simone Weil Misfortunes leave wounds which bleed drop by drop even in sleep; thus little by little they train man by force and dispose him to wisdom in spite of himself. Man must learn to think of himself as a limited and dependent being; and only suffering teaches
    Simone Weil
    French philosopher (1909 - 1943)
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  • Simone Weil Nothing can have as its destination anything other than its origin. The contrary idea, the idea of progress, is poison.
    Simone Weil
    French philosopher (1909 - 1943)
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  • Simone Weil Nothing is less instructive than a machine.
    Simone Weil
    French philosopher (1909 - 1943)
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  • Simone Weil One cannot imagine St. Francis of Assisi talking about rights.
    Simone Weil
    French philosopher (1909 - 1943)
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  • Simone Weil Oppression that is clearly inexorable and invincible does not give rise to revolt but to submission.
    Simone Weil
    French philosopher (1909 - 1943)
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  • Simone Weil Purity is the power to contemplate defilement.
    Simone Weil
    French philosopher (1909 - 1943)
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  • Simone Weil Real genius is nothing else but the supernatural virtue of humility in the domain of thought.
    Simone Weil
    French philosopher (1909 - 1943)
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  • Simone de Beauvoir Sex pleasure in woman is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon; if words or movements oppose the magic of caresses, the spell is broken.
    Simone de Beauvoir
    French writer and philosopher (1908 - 1986)
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  • Simone Weil The afflicted are not listened to. They are like someone whose tongue has been cut out and who occasionally forgets the fact. When they move their lips no ear perceives any sound. And they themselves soon sink into impotence in the use of language, because of the certainty of not being heard.
    Simone Weil
    French philosopher (1909 - 1943)
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  • Simone Weil The appetite for power, even for universal power, is only insane when there is no possibility of indulging it; a man who sees the possibility opening before him and does not try to grasp it, even at the risk of destroying himself and his country, is either
    Simone Weil
    French philosopher (1909 - 1943)
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  • Simone Weil The capacity to give one's attention to a sufferer is a very rare and difficult thing; it is almost a miracle; it is a miracle. Nearly all those who think they have this capacity do not possess it. Warmth of heart, impulsiveness, pity are not enough.
    Simone Weil
    French philosopher (1909 - 1943)
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  • Simone Weil The contemporary form of true greatness lies in a civilization founded on the spirituality of work.
    Simone Weil
    French philosopher (1909 - 1943)
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  • Simone Weil The destruction of the past is perhaps the greatest of all crimes.
    Simone Weil
    French philosopher (1909 - 1943)
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  • Simone Weil The future is made of the same stuff as the present.
    Simone Weil
    French philosopher (1909 - 1943)
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  • Simone Weil The most important part of teaching is to teach what it is to know.
    Simone Weil
    French philosopher (1909 - 1943)
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  • Simone Weil The mysteries of faith are degraded if they are made into an object of affirmation and negation, when in reality they should be an object of contemplation.
    Simone Weil
    French philosopher (1909 - 1943)
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  • Simone Weil The needs of a human being are sacred. Their satisfaction cannot be subordinated either to reasons of state, or to any consideration of money, nationality, race, or color, or to the moral or other value attributed to the human being in question, or to any consideration whatsoever.
    Simone Weil
    French philosopher (1909 - 1943)
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