Quotes 101 till 120 of 479.
Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.
Either I will find a way, or I will make one.
Errors are not in the art but in the artificers.
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687) Preface -
Every body continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a right line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it.
Every man is a potential genius until he does something.
Every man is the maker of his own fortune.
Every man who is high up loves to think that he has done it all himself; and the wife smiles, and lets it go at that.
Every time a child says 'I don't believe in fairies' there is a little fairy somewhere that falls down dead.
Peter Pan (1904) -
Everyone is always in favor of general economy and particular expenditure.
Examinations, sir, are pure humbug from beginning to end. If a man is a gentleman, he knows quite enough, and if he is not a gentleman, whatever he knows is bad for him.
Experience is the extract of suffering.
Faces that have charmed us the most escape us the soonest.
Faith, sir, we are here today, and gone tomorrow.
Fearfulness, contrary to all other vices, maketh a man think the better of another, the worse of himself.
Fire and swords are slow engines of destruction, compared to the tongue of a Gossip.
Flowers are happy things.
For its merit I will knight it, and then it will be Sir-Loin.
For like as herbs and trees bringing forth fruit and flourish in May, in likewise every lusty heart that is in any manner a lover, springeth and flourisheth in lusty deeds.
Forcible ways make not an end of evil, but leave hatred and malice behind them.
From a drop of water a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other.
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