Quotes with skeleton

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  • Aldous Huxley A belief in hell and the knowledge that every ambition is doomed to frustration at the hands of a skeleton have never prevented the majority of human beings from behaving as though death were no more than an unfounded rumor.
    Aldous Huxley
    English writer (1894 - 1963)
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  • Bill Hader Every two months, I would get an email, 'Skeleton Twins update: still don't have the money!'
    Bill Hader
    American actor, comedian, writer, producer, and director (1978 - )
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  • Caroline Lawrence Plot is what happens in your story. Every story needs structure, just as every body needs a skeleton. It is how you 'flesh out and clothe' your structure that makes each story unique.
    Caroline Lawrence
    English American author (1954 - )
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  • Audre Lorde Poetry is not only dream and vision; it is the skeleton architecture of our lives. It lays the foundations for a future of change, a bridge across our fears of what has never been before.
    Source: Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches (2012) 38
    Audre Lorde
    American writer, feminist, womanist, librarian, and civil (1934 - 1992)
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  • Virginia Woolf Rigid, the skeleton of habit alone upholds the human frame.
    Virginia Woolf
    English writer (1882 - 1941)
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  • Arthur Koestler The progress of science is strewn, like an ancient desert trail, with the bleached skeleton of discarded theories which once seemed to possess eternal life.
    Arthur Koestler
    Hungarian Born British Writer (1905 - 1983)
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