Quotes with spent

Quotes 41 till 60 of 131.

  • Antonin Artaud I myself spent nine years in an insane asylum and I never had the obsession of suicide, but I know that each conversation with a psychiatrist, every morning at the time of his visit, made me want to hang myself, realizing that I would not be able to cut his throat.
    Antonin Artaud
    French producer and actor (1896 - 1948)
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  • W. C. Fields I once spent a year in Philadelphia, I think it was on a Sunday.
    W. C. Fields
    American Actor (1880 - 1946)
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  • Burt Rutan I spent about seven years during the Vietnam War flight-testing airplanes for the Air Force. And then I went in and I had a lot of fun building airplanes that people could build in their garages. And some 3,000 of those are flying. Of course, one of them is around-the-world Voyager.
    Burt Rutan
    American aerospace engineer and entrepreneur (1943 - )
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  • Abraham Pais I spent every night until four in the morning on my dissertation, until I came to the point when I could not write another word, not even the next letter. I went to bed. Eight o'clock the next morning I was up writing again.
    Abraham Pais
    Dutch-American physicist (1918 - 2000)
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  • John McCain I spent several years in a north Vietnamese prison camp in the dark, fed with scraps. Do you think I want to do that all over again as vice president of the United States?
    John McCain
    American politician (1936 - 2018)
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  • Caitlyn Marie Jenner I spent twelve years training for a career that was over in a week. Joe Namath spent one week training for a career that lasted twelve years.
    Caitlyn Marie Jenner
    American television personality and decathlete (born Bruce Jenner)
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  • Alfred Russel Wallace I spent, as you know, a year and a half in a clergyman's family and heard almost every Tuesday the very best, most earnest and most impressive preacher it has ever been my fortune to meet with, but it produced no effect whatever on my mind.
    Alfred Russel Wallace
    British naturalist, explorer, anthropologist and biologist (1823 - )
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  • Mark Haddon I think prime numbers are like life. They are very logical but you could never work out the rules, even if you spent all your time thinking about them.
    Source: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (2005) p. 34
    Mark Haddon
    English writer and illustrator (1962 - )
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  • Anne Perry I was born in London, England, in 1938, a few months before the war, and spent the first years of my life there, although I was evacuated a couple of times for short periods. My schooling was very interrupted, both by frequent moves and by ill health.
    Anne Perry
    English author (1938 - )
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  • Brunello Cucinelli I've spent a lot of years living with normal people. If I take a private jet to go to a meeting in Milan, well, that's my business; I can do it. But I don't live for it.
    Brunello Cucinelli
    Italian designer and businessman
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  • Alfred P. Sloan I've spent my career trying to help people without connections understand what's going on so that they have a chance of getting a fair shake from the connected and the powerful.
    Alfred P. Sloan
    American businessman (1875 - 1966)
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  • Ann Beattie I've spent my life supporting myself.
    Ann Beattie
    American novelist (1947 - )
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  • Will Rogers If advertisers spent the same amount of money on improving their products as they do on advertising then they wouldn't have to advertise them.
    Will Rogers
    American actor and humorist (1879 - 1935)
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  • Charles Morgan If Moses had gone to Harvard Law School and spent three years working on the Hill, he would have written the Ten Commandments with three exceptions and a saving clause.
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  • Carl Karcher If the money we donate helps one child or can ease the pain of one parent, those funds are well spent.
    Carl Karcher
    American businessman (1917 - 2008)
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  • Bo Bennett If you have not taken the time to define what happiness means to you, what have your spent your whole life pursuing?
    Source: Year to Success
    Bo Bennett
    American author (1972 - )
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  • Bao Dai If your government had given me a thousandth of the sum it spent to depose me, I could have won that war.
    Bao Dai
    Vietnamese emperor
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  • Bryan Adams If your music is great, you will have fans, not because you have spent time chatting on social media.
    Bryan Adams
    Canadian singer, songwriter, record producer and guitarist (1959 - )
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  • Bob Riley In a time of tight budgets, difficult choices have to be made. We must make sure our very limited resources are spent on priorities. I believe we should have no higher priority than investing in our children's classrooms and in their future.
    Bob Riley
    American politician (1944 - )
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  • Bill Keller In fact, I spent 25 years as a reporter, swearing I would never become an editor. Sitting at a desk, watching other people go out and find the story, and then fussing with other people's words - I just didn't get the appeal of that.
    Bill Keller
    American journalist (1949 - )
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