Quotes with stoop

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  • Katharine Hepburn To keep your character intact you cannot stoop to filthy acts. It makes it easier to stoop the next time.
    Katharine Hepburn
    American Actress, Writer (1907 - 2003)
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  • Michel Eyquem De Montaigne My reason is not framed to bend or stoop: my knees are.
    Michel Eyquem De Montaigne
    French essayist and philosopher (1533 - 1592)
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  • Lew Wallace When people are lonely they stoop to any companionship.
    Lew Wallace
    American lawyer, Union general in the American Civil War, territorial governor and statesman, politician, and author of (1827 - 1905)
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  • Edgar A. Guest You ought to be true for the sake of the folks who think you are true. You never should stoop to a deed that your folks think you would not do. If you are false to yourself, be the blemish but small, you have injured your folks; you have been false to them all.
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