Quotes with straits

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  • Christian Nevell Bovee Courage enlarges, cowardice diminishes resources. In desperate straits the fears of the timid aggravate the dangers that imperil the brave.
    Christian Nevell Bovee
    American writer
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  • Titus Livy In great straits and when hope is small, the boldest counsels are the safest.
    Titus Livy
    Roman historian (59 - 17)
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  • Bob Filner Our policy for the last many years has been to deter the Chinese government in Beijing from ever coming into the position where they thought they had enough leverage over the U.S. to cross the Straits of Taiwan.
    Bob Filner
    American politician (1942 - )
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  • Friedrich von Schiller Yes great people are always subject to persecution and always getting into straits.
    Friedrich von Schiller
    German poet and playwright (1759 - 1805)
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  • Ambrose Bierce Creditor. One of a tribe of savages dwelling beyond the Financial Straits and dreaded for their desolating incursions.
    Ambrose Bierce
    American writer (1842 - 1914)
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