Quotes with stressful

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  • Denis Waitley Courage means to keep working a relationship, to continue seeking solutions to difficult problems, and to stay focused during stressful periods.
    Denis Waitley
    American motivational speaker, writer and consultant (1933 - )
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  • Ben Casnocha It got a little stressful in my first two years of high school, trying to make conference calls with investors in between classes, but I definitely learned a lot of important time-management lessons.
    Ben Casnocha
    American author, entrepreneur, and investor (1988 - )
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  • Brantley Gilbert It's a little less stressful as a support act, because the headliner carries the majority of the weight. But as a headliner, we get to play a little bit longer.
    Brantley Gilbert
    American country music singer, songwriter (1985 - )
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  • Caity Lotz Sometimes people can put way too much emphasis on looking 'hot' which can be stressful and put you in your head.
    Caity Lotz
    American actress, dancer and singer (1986 - )
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  • Carla Hall When I do something that's stressful, I have to find a moment of peace, so I tend to meditate and get in the flow. It's a regular practice of mine.
    Carla Hall
    American chef and television personality (1964 - )
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All stressful famous quotes and sayings you will always find on greatest-quotations.com