Quotes with summers

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  • Bayard Taylor Departed suns their trails of splendor drew Across departed summers: whispers came From voices, long ago resolved again Into the primeval Silence, and we twain, Ghosts of our present selves, yet still the same, As in a spectral mirror wandered there.
    Bayard Taylor
    American poet, travel author, and diplomat (1825 - 1878)
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  • Jonathan Swift He had been eight years upon a project for extracting sunbeams out of cucumbers, which were to be put into vials hermetically sealed, and let out to warm the air in raw, inclement summers.
    Jonathan Swift
    English writer (1667 - 1745)
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  • Bill Gates Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself.
    Bill Gates
    American business magnate, investor, author and philanthropist (1955 - )
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