Quotes with super-small

Quotes 61 till 80 of 507.

  • Steven Weinberg An expert is a person who avoids the small errors while sweeping on to the grand fallacy.
    Steven Weinberg
    American theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate in Physics (1933 - 2021)
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  • Robert Browning And gain is gain, however small.
    Robert Browning
    English poet (1812 - 1889)
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  • Barry Humphries And so I set these things down before the onset of the first of a thousand small physical degradations as, in a still-distant suburb, Death strides whistling towards me.
    Source: My Life as Me: A Memoir
    Barry Humphries
    Australian comedian, actor, artist, and author (1934 - 2023)
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  • Oliver Goldsmith And still they gazed, and still the wonder grew, that one small head could carry all he knew.
    Oliver Goldsmith
    Irish writer and poet (1728 - 1774)
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  • Plato Any city however small, is in fact divided into two, one the city of the poor, the other of the rich. These are at war with one another.
    Greek philosopher (427 - 347)
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  • Ayn Rand Any group or “collective,” large or small, is only a number of individuals. A group can have no rights other than the rights of its individual members.
    Source: The Virtue of Selfishness (1964)
    Ayn Rand
    Russian Writer, Philosopher (1905 - 1982)
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  • Alice Hoffman Any institution becomes a community - whether it's a high school or a boarding school or a publishing company or a small town where everybody knows certain things about people.
    Alice Hoffman
    American novelist (1952 - )
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  • Blake Mycoskie Anyone can make a difference, so you don't have to have it be some huge, global campaign... you can start small, and that's just as important.
    Blake Mycoskie
    American entrepreneur, author, and philanthropist (1976 - )
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  • Brin-Jonathan Butler Anyone can see why an elite athlete would want to leave a small, impoverished country where their skills were effectively uncashed winning lottery tickets. All they had to do was wash ashore almost anywhere else in the world and cash in. Yet the vast majority of Cuban boxers - and Cuban athletes in general - despite that incentive, stayed.
    Brin-Jonathan Butler
    American journalist and filmmaker
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  • Paul Hawken As a small businessperson, you have no greater leverage than the truth.
    Paul Hawken
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  • Ben Katchor As a small kid, I came across things like these early Edward Gorey books in department-store bookstores. These were these really unusual objects to me. I didn't know how they fit into the comic world or into newspaper comics.
    Ben Katchor
    American cartoonist and illustrator (1951 - )
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  • Abraham Robinson As far as I know, only a small minority of mathematicians, even of those with Platonist views, accept the idea that there may be mathematical facts which are true but unknowable.
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  • Sarah Ban Breathnach As we become curators of our own contentment on the Simple Abundance path... we learn to savor the small with a grateful heart.
    Sarah Ban Breathnach
    American author and philanthropist
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  • Comte de Bussy-Rabutin As you know, God is generally on the side of the big squadrons against the small ones.
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  • G. C. Lichtenberg Astronomy is perhaps the science whose discoveries owe least to chance, in which human understanding appears in its whole magnitude, and through which man can best learn how small he is.
    G. C. Lichtenberg
    German writer and physicist (1742 - 1799)
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  • Carlos Slim At 25, I made many companies. I was thinking more like a businessman or entrepreneur than a CEO. I created many companies, small companies, medium companies. I tried to be involved in many kinds of activities, in finance, in real estate, in mining.
    Carlos Slim
    Mexican business magnate, investor and philanthropist (1940 - )
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  • Brad D. Smith At Intuit, we've introduced concepts like unstructured time to enable individuals and small teams to be entrepreneurial and identify new processes or product ideas.
    Brad D. Smith
    American businessman
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  • Aristotle Beauty depends on size as well as symmetry. No very small animal can be beautiful, for looking at it takes so small a portion of time that the impression of it will be confused. Nor can any very large one, for a whole view of it cannot be had at once, and so there will be no unity and completeness.
    Greek philosopher (384 - 322)
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  • Burt Bacharach Because I was small, I was getting the hell kicked out of me playing football.
    Burt Bacharach
    American composer, songwriter and pianist (1928 - 2023)
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  • Brandon Lee Because we do not know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. And yet everything happens only a certain number of times. And a very small number really.
    Brandon Lee
    American actor (1965 - 1993)
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