Quotes with supply-side

Quotes 241 till 260 of 334.

  • Havelock Ellis The Promised Land always lies on the other side of a Wilderness.
    Havelock Ellis
    British psychologist (1859 - 1939)
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  • Benjamin Disraeli The question is this - Is man an ape or an angel? My Lord, I am on the side of the angels. I repudiate with indignation and abhorrence these new fanged theories.
    Benjamin Disraeli
    English statesman and writer (1804 - 1881)
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  • Bre Pettis The self-driving car is coming. And right now, our best supply of organs come from car accidents... Once we have self-driving cars, we can actually reduce the number of accidents, but the next problem then would be organ replacement.
    Bre Pettis
    American entrepreneur and video blogger
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  • Carl von Clausewitz The side that feels the lesser urge for peace will naturally get the better bargain.
    Source: On War (1832)
    Carl von Clausewitz
    Prussian general and military theorist (1780 - 1831)
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  • Marcus Tullius Cicero The sinews of war, a limitless supply of money.
    Marcus Tullius Cicero
    Roman statesman and writer (106 - 43)
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  • Lewis H. Lapham The supply of government exceeds demand.
    Lewis H. Lapham
    American essayist and editor (1935 - )
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  • Arnold Bennett The supply of time is a daily miracle. You wake up in the morning and lo! Your purse is magnificently filled with 24 hours of the unmanufactured tissue of the universe of life. It is yours! The most precious of your possessions.
    Arnold Bennett
    British novelist (1867 - 1931)
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  • Lech Walesa The supply of words in the world market is plentiful but the demand is falling. Let deeds follow words now.
    Lech Walesa
    Polish trade union leader, activist and president (1943 - )
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  • Charles Caleb Colton The two most precious things this side of the grave are our reputation and our life. But it is to be lamented that the most contemptible whisper may deprive us of the one, and the weakest weapon of the other.
    Charles Caleb Colton
    English writer (1777 - 1832)
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  • Peace Pilgrim The valid research for the future is on the inner side, on the spiritual side.
    Peace Pilgrim
    American activist, mystic and pacifist
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  • Arthur Wellesley The whole art of war consists of guessing at what is on the other side of the hill.
    Arthur Wellesley
    Anglo-Irish soldier and statesman (1769 - 1852)
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  • Edward Gibbon The winds and waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.
    Edward Gibbon
    British historian (1737 - 1794)
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  • Bob Dylan The words fill my head, and fall to the floor, that if God's on our side, he'll stop the next war.
    Source: The Times They Are A-Changin (1964)
    Bob Dylan
    American musician (1941 - )
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  • Billy Sunday The world is wrong side up. It needs to be turned upside down in order to be right side up.
    Billy Sunday
    American athlete and evangelist (1862 - 1935)
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  • Robert Browning The year's at the spring; And day's at the morn; Morning's at seven; The hill-side's dew-pearled; The lark's on the wing; The snail's on the thorn: God's in his heaven, All's right with the world!
    Robert Browning
    English poet (1812 - 1889)
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  • Bhante Henepola Gunaratana The you that goes in one side of the meditation experience is not the same you that comes out the other side.
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  • John Kenneth Galbraith There are times in politics when you must be on the right side and lose.
    John Kenneth Galbraith
    American economist (1908 - 2006)
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  • Bill Hybels There are two main principles I've picked up over the years as they pertain to cultivating the type of faith that moves mountains. The first is this: Faith comes by looking at God, not at the mountain. The second is this: God gives us faith as we walk by his side.
    Source: Too Busy Not to Pray
    Bill Hybels
    American church figure and author (1951 - )
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  • Ayn Rand There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil.
    Ayn Rand
    Russian Writer, Philosopher (1905 - 1982)
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  • Oscar Levant There are two sides to every question: my side and the wrong side.
    Oscar Levant
    American Pianist, Actor (1906 - 1972)
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