Quotes 1381 till 1400 of 2265.
The best kids are going to become the best. But the best thing about it is that you're going to learn lessons in playing those sports about winning and losing and teamwork and teammates and arguments and everything else that are going to affect you positively for the rest of your life.
The best mistake I ever made was believing that I was stupid. It was a childhood thing, but it played out big-time as an adult. It scorned me the rest of my life - in a good way.
The best thing about animals is they don't talk much.
The best thing about doing needlepoint for very small children is that they are so uncritical. The don't say things like, I see you've missed some stitches over here on the leg, was that intentional? or Was this creature blinded in a fight? They will clasp it in their little arms and love it besottedly, inseparably as the thing becomes more and more rancid.
The best thing about Sci-Fi, which is my favorite genre, is that there are no rules for behavior. So you can do anything you want.
The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.
The wit and wisdom of Abraham Lincoln -
The best thing I know between France and England is the sea.
The best thing is the combined effect of nicotine with alcohol, greater than the sum of the two parts.
Engleby (2007) -
The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain.
The best thing that could happen to motherhood already has. Fewer women are going into it.
The best under-the-radar rivalry is Dodgers-Giants. I had no idea how deep that one was until I moved to California... that one goes waaaaaaaaay back, and both sides absolutely detest each other. Fights in the stands, fights in the parking lot, the whole thing. It's every bit as bitter as Yankees-Red Sox without nearly the same hype.
The betrayal of a belief is not the same thing as ceasing to believe. If this were not so there would be no moral standards in the world at all.
The big thing is that you know what you want.
The biggest thing about being a wrestler and being Goldberg gave me, was the ability to be a superhero for kids. I want the ability to be that guy again.
The biggest thing we get out of it is seeing the kids smile. And hopefully we will also see that the lessons we're teaching - not only the fundamentals of hockey, but also the life values - are sinking in.
The birthplace of 'Western' civilization is generally agreed to be Greece, and its birth date is generally agreed to be some time during the 6th century B.C.E. Obviously, there is not one single dramatic moment that definitively started the whole thing.
The book that convinced me I wanted to be a writer was 'Crime and Punishment'. I put the thing down after reading it in a fever over two or three days... I said, 'If this is what a book can be, then that is what I want to do.
(2005) -
The bravest thing you can do when you are not brave is to profess courage and act accordingly.
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