Quotes with taxpayer

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  • Burt Rutan Tragically, policymakers have thrown horrendous amounts of taxpayer money needed for other purposes at solving an unsubstantiated emergency. It is scandalous that so many climate scientists who fully knew that Al Gore had no basis for his irresponsible claims stood mute.
    Burt Rutan
    American aerospace engineer and entrepreneur (1943 - )
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  • Blake Farenthold Congress has the constitutional authority to investigate the other agencies of government. We are the watchdogs of the taxpayer's money, and we have the right to know how that money is being spent and to conduct oversight over the government.
    Blake Farenthold
    American politician and lobbyist (1961 - )
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  • Bradley A. Smith If candidates spend money on ads and other political speech and their opponents are rewarded with government handouts to attack them, that chills speech and is unconstitutional. Non-participating candidates certainly don't volunteer to allow their opponents to receive taxpayer subsidies to bash them.
    Bradley A. Smith
    American law professor (1958 - )
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  • Boris Sidis It is not the citizen, or a taxpayer, or voter, or office-holder, but the cultivated, free individual who is the true aim of all social progress.
    Source: The Source and Aim of Human Progress (1919)
    Boris Sidis
    Ukrainian-American psychologist, psychiatrist, and philosopher (1867 - 1923)
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  • Carly Fiorina The GAO just released a report that said 22 percent of federal programs fail to meet their objectives. The truth is we don't know how taxpayer money is spent in Washington, D.C., which is why I think we ought to put every agency budget up on the Internet for everyone to see.
    Carly Fiorina
    American businesswoman and political (1954 - )
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  • Ben Nighthorse Campbell The president, just as any other American, deserves a legal defense against personal lawsuits not related to his office. But the costs of that defense should be borne by him and not the taxpayer.
    Ben Nighthorse Campbell
    American Cheyenne politician (1933 - )
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  • Ronald Reagan The taxpayer; that's someone who works for the federal government, but doesn't have to take a civil service examination.
    Ronald Reagan
    American politician and actor (1911 - 2004)
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