Quotes with theoretic

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  • Auguste Comte Each department of knowledge passes through three stages. The theoretic stage; the theological stage and the metaphysical or abstract stage.
    Auguste Comte
    French philosopher (1798 - 1857)
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  • Bruce Bueno de Mesquita I think almost all strategic problems could at least be improved upon if people would do more careful game-theoretic analysis. The reason game theory works in predicting is because people intuit how to behave game-theoretically.
    Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
    American political scientist (1946 - )
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  • Bruce Bueno de Mesquita Pretty much, you point to a problem and good reasoning about why people are doing what they are doing and what constraints they face in terms of how others will behave, and you're looking at a problem that could be improved upon by game-theoretic reasoning.
    Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
    American political scientist (1946 - )
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  • Bruce Bueno de Mesquita We probably could more successfully resolve the North Korean nuclear threat through game-theoretic reasoning. We could successfully resolve what American leaders seem to perceive as an Iranian nuclear threat through game-theoretic reasoning.
    Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
    American political scientist (1946 - )
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