Quotes with therein

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  • Abraham Lincoln ''A drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of gal.'' So with men. If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend. Therein is a drop of honey which catches his heart, which, say what he will, is the highroad to his reason.
    Abraham Lincoln
    American statesman (1809 - 1865)
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  • Baruch Spinoza Blessedness is not the reward of virtue, but virtue itself; neither do we rejoice therein, because we control our lusts, but contrariwise, because we rejoice therein, we are able to control our lusts.
    Source: Ethics
    Baruch Spinoza
    Dutch philosopher (1632 - 1677)
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  • Carol Bellamy By ratifying the Convention, governments become legally bound to implement the rights therein.
    Carol Bellamy
    American nonprofit executive (1942 - )
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  • Adam Savage Jamie doesn't like to do anything hastily, and I like to do everything incredibly hastily. So therein you have the dichotomy of our patterns.
    Adam Savage
    American special effects designer and fabricator (1967 - )
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  • Blaise Pascal Man is obviously made for thinking. Therein lies all his dignity and his merit; and his whole duty is to think as he ought.
    Blaise Pascal
    French mathematician, physicist and philosopher (1623 - 1662)
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  • Edmond de Goncourt Never speak of yourself to others; make them talk about themselves instead; therein lies the whole art of pleasing. Everybody knows it, and everyone forgets it.
    Edmond de Goncourt
    French writer and critic (1822 - 1896)
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  • Calvin Coolidge No enterprise can exist for itself alone. It ministers to some great need, it performs some great service, not for itself, but for others; or failing therein, it ceases to be profitable and ceases to exist.
    Calvin Coolidge
    American president (1872 - 1933)
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  • George Santayana The little word is has its tragedies: it marries and identifies different things with the greatest innocence; and yet no two are ever identical, and if therein lies the charm of wedding them and calling them one, therein too lies the danger.
    George Santayana
    Spanish - American philosopher (1863 - 1952)
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  • Fjodor M. Dostojewski The most pressing question on the problem of faith is whether a man as a civilized being… can believe in the divinity of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, for therein rests the whole of our faith.
    Fjodor M. Dostojewski
    Russisch writer (1821 - 1881)
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  • Boris Pasternak Work is the order of the day, just as it was at one time, with our first starts and our best efforts. Do you remember? Therein lies its delight. It brings back the forgotten; one's stores of energy, seemingly exhausted, come back to life.
    Source: As quoted in The New York Times (1 January 1978)
    Boris Pasternak
    Russian writer (1890 - 1960)
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