Quotes with timelessness

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  • Derek Jarman An orgasm joins you to the past. Its timelessness becomes the brotherhood; the brethren are lovers; they extend the ''family.'' I share that sexuality. It was then, is now and will be in the future.
    Derek Jarman
    British movie maker, artist, writer (1942 - 1994)
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  • Ludwig Wittgenstein Death is not an event in life: we do not live to experience death. If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration but timelessness, then eternal life belongs to those who live in the present.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein
    Austrian - English philosopher (1889 - 1951)
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  • Brandi Carlile My advice to new artists is to embrace a broader concept of timelessness than vintage or retro.
    Brandi Carlile
    American singer-songwriter and producer (1981 - )
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