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A translation of a work of literature is like playing a violin concerto on the piano.
The Believer Interview 20 oct 2016 -
Any translation which intends to perform a transmitting function cannot transmit anything but information - hence, something inessential. This is the hallmark of bad translations.
As far as modern writing is concerned, it is rarely rewarding to translate it, although it might be easy. Translation is very much like copying paintings.
Dancing is the loftiest, the most moving, the most beautiful of the arts, because it is no mere translation or abstraction from life; it is life itself.
For what is liberty but the unhampered translation of will into act?
I want my words to survive translation.
(2005) -
I've personally reached the point where the sound of MP3s are so uncompelling, because so much is lost in translation.
Nor ought a genius less than his that writ attempt translation.
Poetry is that which is lost out of both prose and verse in translation.
Conversations on the Craft of Poetry (1959) -
Prayer is translation. A man translates himself into a child asking for all there is in a language he has barely mastered.
Remember what the Patriarch King Solomon
Told his harem on the night they'd had a few:
Teetotalum overcoatum asqua scutum atomack
Sonata with tomoto, laringitis, cul de sac.
Translation: If your rhubarb's fallen try and bend it back.
That's a motto for the likes of me and you.Mottoes line 41 -
The best translation is not that which is most like the original but which is the most different from it.
Translation is at best an echo.
Translation is the paradigm, the exemplar of all writing. It is translation that demonstrates most vividly the yearning for transformation that underlies every act involving speech, that supremely human gift.
What makes literature interesting is that it does not survive its translation. The characters in a novel are made out of the sentences. That's what their substance is.
When you grow up in the church, the only translation in that insular world that people understand is preaching. You're supposed to be a minister. So I was going down that path, and then I saw the Tonys.
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