Quotes with unemployed

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  • Jose Ortega Y Gasset An ''unemployed'' existence is a worse negation of life than death itself.
    Jose Ortega Y Gasset
    Spanish writer and philosopher (1883 - 1955)
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  • Marguerite Duras Before they're plumbers or writers or taxi drivers or unemployed or journalists, before everything else, men are men. Whether heterosexual or homosexual. The only difference is that some of them remind you of it as soon as you meet them, and others wait for a little while.
    Marguerite Duras
    French author and filmmaker (1914 - 1996)
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  • Nigel Farage In Britain, what we've done is say to 485 million people, 'You can all come, every one of you. You're unemployed? You've got a criminal record? Please come. You've got 19 children? Please come.' We've lost any sense of perspective on this.
    Nigel Farage
    British politician, activist, political commentator and broadcaster (1964 - )
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  • Christian Nevell Bovee Mind unemployed is mind un-enjoyed.
    Christian Nevell Bovee
    American writer
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  • Oscar Wilde One should not be too severe on English novels; they are the only relaxation of the intellectually unemployed.
    Oscar Wilde
    Irish writer (1854 - 1900)
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  • Angela Davis What this country needs is more unemployed politicians.
    Angela Davis
    American political activist, philosopher, academic, and author (1944 - )
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  • John F. Kennedy When you have seven percent unemployed, you have ninety-three percent working.
    John F. Kennedy
    American politician (1917 - 1963)
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  • Thomas Jefferson Whenever there are in any country uncultivated lands and unemployed poor, it is clear that the laws of property have been so far extended as to violate natural right. The earth is given as a common stock for man to labor and live on. The small landowners are the most precious part of a state.
    Thomas Jefferson
    American statesman (1743 - 1826)
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  • Jesse Jackson When we're unemployed, we're called lazy; when the whites are unemployed it's called a depression.
    Jesse Jackson
    American Clergyman, Civil Rights Leader (1941 - )
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