Quotes with unless

Quotes 201 till 220 of 340.

  • Charles Horton Cooley Our individual lives cannot, generally, be works of art unless the social order is also.
    Charles Horton Cooley
    American sociologist (1864 - 1929)
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  • Bella Abzug Our struggle was political, ideological and economic, and we felt we couldn't make something of ourselves unless we bettered society. We saw the two together.
    Bella Abzug
    American lawyer and politician (1920 - 1998)
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  • Fran Tarkenton People don't change their behavior unless it makes a difference for them to do so.
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  • Don DeLillo People had no tolerance for your particular hardship unless you knew how to entertain them with it.
    Source: White Noise (2011) 76
    Don DeLillo
    American Author (1936 - )
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  • Tryon Edwards People never improve unless they look to some standard or example higher or better than themselves.
    Tryon Edwards
    American theologian (1809 - 1894)
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  • Dale Carnegie People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.
    Dale Carnegie
    American writer and lecturer (1888 - 1955)
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  • David Foster Wallace People, unless they're paying attention, tend to confuse fanciness with intelligence or authority.
    David Foster Wallace
    American author (1962 - 2008)
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  • Hunter S. Thompson Publishers are notoriously slothful about numbers, unless they're attached to dollar signs - unlike journalists, quarterbacks, and felony criminal defendants who tend to be keenly aware of numbers at all times.
    Hunter S. Thompson
    American journalist (1937 - 2005)
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  • Virginia Woolf Really I don't like human nature unless all candied over with art.
    Virginia Woolf
    English writer (1882 - 1941)
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  • Caspar Weinberger Sanctions and negotiations can be very ineffective, and indeed foolish, unless the people you are talking with and negotiating with and trying to reach agreements with are people who can be trusted to keep their word.
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  • Phyllis Mcginley Say what you will, making marriage work is a woman's business. The institution was invented to do her homage; it was contrived for her protection. Unless she accepts it as such - as a beautiful, bountiful, but quite unequal association - the going will be hard indeed.
    Phyllis Mcginley
    American poet and author (1905 - 1978)
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  • Nicolas Chamfort Scandal is an importunate wasp, against which we must make no movement unless we are quite sure that we can kill it; otherwise it will return to the attack more furious than ever.
    Nicolas Chamfort
    French writer, journalist and playwright (1741 - 1794)
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  • Bettie Page Sex is a part of love. You shouldn't go around doing it unless you are in love.
    Bettie Page
    American model (1923 - 2008)
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  • James Russell Lowell Sincerity is impossible, unless it pervade the whole being, and the pretence of it saps the very foundation of character.
    James Russell Lowell
    American Romantic poet, critic, editor, and diplomat (1819 - 1891)
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  • Malcolm X Sitting at the table doesn't make you a diner, unless you eat some of what's on that plate. Being here in America doesn't make you an American. Being born here in America doesn't make you an American.
    Malcolm X
    American activist (1925 - 1965)
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  • Boethius So nothing is ever good or bad unless you think it so, and vice versa. All luck is good luck to the man who bears it with equanimity.
    Roman senator, consul, magister officiorum, and philosopher (480 - 524)
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  • Johnny Carson Talent alone won't make you a success. Neither will being in the right place at the right time, unless you are ready. The most important question is: ''Are your ready?''
    Johnny Carson
    American TV personality, businessman (1925 - 2005)
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  • Beth Ditto Thanks to capitalism, the importance placed on beauty has never been so manipulated. We are the guinea pigs force-fed ads that tell us how pathetic we are: that we will never be loved, happy or valuable unless we have the body, the face, the hair, even the personality that will apparently be ours, if only we buy their products.
    Beth Ditto
    American singer-songwriter and actress (1981 - )
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  • Arthur J. Goldberg The basic guarantees of our Constitution are warrants for the here and now, and unless there is an overwhelmingly compelling reason, they are to be promptly fulfilled.
    Arthur J. Goldberg
    American jurist and politician
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  • Barry Ritholtz The bottom line is this: Cash, in modest increments, has a role in any portfolio. But unless you are Warren Buffett, you should limit it to 2 or 3 percent.
    Barry Ritholtz
    American author and newspaper columnist
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