Quotes with unsettled

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  • Henry Waldorf Francis A court is a place where what was confused before becomes more unsettled than ever.
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  • Walter Lippmann Ages when custom is unsettled are necessarily ages of prophecy. The moralist cannot teach what is revealed; he must reveal what can be taught. He has to seek insight rather than to preach.
    Walter Lippmann
    American writer, reporter, and political commentator (1889 - 1974)
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  • Seneca I never come back home with the same moral character I went out with; something or other becomes unsettled where I had achieved internal peace; some one or other of the things I had put to flight reappears on the scene.
    Roman philosopher, statesman and playwright (5 - 65)
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  • Charles Edward Jerningham It is a sign of mediocrity to have settled opinions on unsettled subjects.
    Source: The maxims of Marmaduke
    Charles Edward Jerningham
    English aphorist (1854 - 1921)
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  • Ralph Waldo Emerson People wish to be settled. It is only as far as they are unsettled that there is any hope for them.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    American poet and philosopher (1803 - 1882)
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  • Benjamin Cardozo What has once been settled by a precedent will not be unsettled overnight, for certainty and uniformity are gains not lightly sacrificed. Above all is this true when honest men have shaped their conduct on the faith of the pronouncement.
    Benjamin Cardozo
    American lawyer and jurist (1870 - 1938)
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