Quotes with urgency

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  • Lord Arthur Balfour Ask with urgency and passion.
    Lord Arthur Balfour
    British statesman (1848 - 1930)
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  • Hugo Ball Everywhere, the ethical predicament of our time imposes itself with an urgency which suggests that even the question ''Have we anything to eat?'' will be answered not in material but in ethical terms.
    Hugo Ball
    German author and poet (1886 - 1927)
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  • Bob Edwards That's the problem with news interviews, you work your tail off to get prominent figures in the news on the radio, but once they've been on, the event passes, the urgency, the issues you talked about evaporate.
    Bob Edwards
    American broadcast journalist
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  • Barry Ritholtz TV producers want ratings and are willing to do nearly anything to get them. They gin up artificial conflicts and create an urgency for even the most minor of economic data points.
    Barry Ritholtz
    American author and newspaper columnist
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  • Carolyn Maloney We need a mayor who knows how to balance a budget, who understands the urgency of delivering all the services that a great city needs, who understand the need of working families.
    Carolyn Maloney
    American politician (1946 - )
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  • Jim Rohn Without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value.
    Jim Rohn
    American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker (1930 - 2009)
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  • Les Brown You must take action now that will move you towards your goals. Develop a sense of urgency in your life.
    Les Brown
    American motivational speaker, author and radio DJ (1945 - )
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