Quotes with vintage

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  • Logan Pearsall Smith Happiness is a wine of the rarest vintage, and seems insipid to a vulgar taste.
    Logan Pearsall Smith
    English writer (1865 - 1946)
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  • Adela Florence Nicolson Men should be judged not by their tint of skin, the gods they serve, the vintage they drink, nor by the way they fight, or love, or sin, but by the quality of the thought they think.
    Adela Florence Nicolson
    English poet
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  • Brandi Carlile My advice to new artists is to embrace a broader concept of timelessness than vintage or retro.
    Brandi Carlile
    American singer-songwriter and producer (1981 - )
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  • Carl Gustav Jung We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more.
    Carl Gustav Jung
    Swiss psychiatrist (1875 - 1961)
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