Quotes with well-brought-up

Quotes 121 till 140 of 1499.

  • Joseph Brodsky After all, it is hard to master both life and work equally well. So if you are bound to fake one of them, it had better be life.
    Joseph Brodsky
    Russian-born American Poet, Critic (1940 - 1996)
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  • Edith Wharton After all, one knows one's weak points so well, that it's rather bewildering to have the critics overlook them and invent others.
    Edith Wharton
    American Author (1862 - 1937)
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  • William Shakespeare After life's fitful fever he sleeps well. Treason has done his worst. Nor steel nor poison, malice domestic, foreign levy, nothing can touch him further.
    William Shakespeare
    English playwright and poet (1564 - 1616)
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  • Barbara Deming After the revolution, it might very well remain necessary to place people where they could not do harm to others. But the one under restraint should be cut off from the rest of society as little as possible.
    Barbara Deming
    American feminist and advocate (0 - 1984)
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  • Bob Ney After two years of hard work and debate, Congress has passed a highway bill that will help fuel our economy by creating roughly 500,000 new jobs, as well as address many critical transportation needs in Ohio and the 18th Congressional District.
    Bob Ney
    American politician (1954 - )
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  • Benny Goodman After you've done all the work and prepared as much as you can, what the hell, you might as well go out and have a good time.
    Benny Goodman
    American jazz clarinetist and bandleader (1909 - 1986)
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  • Charles Baudelaire All fashions are charming, or rather relatively charming, each one being a new striving, more or less well conceived, after beauty, an approximate statement of an ideal, the desire for which constantly teases the unsatisfied human mind.
    Charles Baudelaire
    French poet (1821 - 1867)
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  • Sir Walter Raleigh All histories do show, and wise politicians do hold it necessary that, for the well-governing of every Commonweal, it behoveth man to presuppose that all men are evil, and will declare themselves so to be when occasion is offered.
    Sir Walter Raleigh
    British courtier, writer (1552 - 1618)
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  • Bill Medley All my memories of being in Las Vegas with Bobby were great. Frank Sinatra brought us to the Sands Hotel in 1965. When we worked that lounge, it was a great lounge. I think it was bigger than the showroom. We were two 25-year-old dumb kids from Orange County in Las Vegas with The Rat Pack.
    Bill Medley
    American singer and songwriter (1940 - )
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  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau All of my misfortunes come from having thought too well of my fellows.
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    French writer and philosopher (1712 - 1778)
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  • Immanuel Kant All the interests of my reason, speculative as well as practical, combine in the three following questions: 1. What can I know? 2. What ought I to do? 3. What may I hope?
    Immanuel Kant
    German philosopher (1724 - 1804)
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  • Ovid All things change, nothing is extinguished. There is nothing in the whole world which is permanent. Everything flows onward; all things are brought into being with a changing nature; the ages themselves glide by in constant movement.
    Roman poet (43 - 17)
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  • William Shakespeare All's well that ends well.
    William Shakespeare
    English playwright and poet (1564 - 1616)
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  • Alan Alda Almost everybody that's well-known gets tagged with a nickname.
    Alan Alda
    American actor, director, screenwriter, and author. (1936 - )
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  • Edmund Burke Ambition can creep as well as soar.
    Edmund Burke
    English politician and philosopher (1729 - 1797)
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  • Bill Dedman American nuclear reactors are well into middle age. The median age of an operating reactor in the U.S. is 34 years, placing start-up in midst of the Carter administration.
    Bill Dedman
    American journalist (1960 - )
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  • J. Bartlett Brebner Americans are benevolently ignorant about Canada, while Canadians are malevolently well informed about the United States.
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  • Barbara Amiel Among those people lucky enough, if you will, to have actually been brought to trial as a political prisoner, several historians have said there has not been one acquittal since the Bolshevik Revolution.
    Barbara Amiel
    British journalist, writer, and socialite (1940 - )
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  • Brin-Jonathan Butler An offer to fight Muhammad Ali came after Stevenson won his second Olympic gold in Montreal in 1976. Stevenson was at his peak. The world had never seen a heavyweight with the tools Stevenson brought into the ring.
    Brin-Jonathan Butler
    American journalist and filmmaker
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  • Harry Houdini An old trick well done is far better than a new trick with no effect.
    Harry Houdini
    Hungarian-born American illusionist (1874 - 1926)
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