You searched for william did you mean:
- William Shakespeare: English playwright and poet
- William Hazlitt: English writer
- William James: American philosopher
- William Blake: English poet
- William Somerset Maugham: English writer
- William Butler Yeats: Irish poet
Quotes 1 till 20 of 1730.
Confusion now hath made his masterpiece!
Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.
God made him, and therefore let him pass for a man.
What angel wakes me from my flowery bed?
Be patient,
For the world is broad and wide. -
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
The end of wisdom is to dream high enough to lose the dream in the seeking of it.
As he was valiant, I honor him. But as he was ambitious, I slew him.
'Tis not enough to help the feeble up, but to support him after.
Committing a great truth to memory is admirable; committing it to life is wisdom.
Few love to hear the sins they love to act.
Forbear to judge, for we are sinners all.
If it is true that 'good wine needs no bush', 't is true that a good play needs no epilogue.
Absence from whom we love is worse than death, and frustrates hope severer than despair.
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