Quotes with womanly

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  • Mary Baker Eddy Give up the belief that mind is, even temporarily, compressed within the skull, and you will quickly become more manly or womanly. You will understand yourself and your Maker better than before.
    Mary Baker Eddy
    American founder of the Christian Science Church (1821 - 1910)
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  • Billy Sunday Some persons have lived manly or womanly lives, and they lack but one thing - open confession of the Lord Jesus Christ. Some men think that they must come to him in a certain way - that they must be stirred by emotion or something like that.
    Billy Sunday
    American athlete and evangelist (1862 - 1935)
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  • Oscar Wilde The fact is, you have fallen lately, Cecily, into a bad habit of thinking for yourself. You should give it up. It is not quite womanly... men don't like it.
    Oscar Wilde
    Irish writer (1854 - 1900)
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  • Queen Victoria The Queen is most anxious to enlist everyone who can speak or write to join in checking this mad, wicked folly of ''Woman's Rights'' with all its attendant horrors on which her poor, feeble sex is bent, forgetting every sense of womanly feeling and propriety.
    Queen Victoria
    Queen of Great Britain (1819 - 1901)
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  • Jane Harrison To be womanly is one thing, and one only; it is to be sensitive to man, to be highly endowed with the sex instinct; to be manly is to be sensitive to woman.
    Jane Harrison
    British classical scholar and linguist
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  • Friedrich von Schiller While the womanly god demands our veneration, the godlike woman kindles our love; but while we allow ourselves to melt in the celestial loveliness, the celestial self-sufficiency holds us back in awe.
    Friedrich von Schiller
    German poet and playwright (1759 - 1805)
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  • George Bernard Shaw Women are called womanly only when they regard themselves as existing solely for the use of men.
    George Bernard Shaw
    Irish-English writer and critic (1856 - 1950)
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