Quotes with worst-dressed

Quotes 141 till 160 of 313.

  • Arthur Conan Doyle Of all ghosts the ghosts of our old loves are the worst.
    Arthur Conan Doyle
    British writer and medical doctor (1859 - 1930)
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  • Laurence Sterne Of all the cants which are canted in this canting world - though the cant of hypocrites may be the worst - the cant of criticism is the most tormenting!
    Laurence Sterne
    British author (1713 - 1768)
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  • George Bernard Shaw Of all the damnable waste of human life that ever was invented, clerking is the worst.
    George Bernard Shaw
    Irish-English writer and critic (1856 - 1950)
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  • Thomas Paine Of all the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny in religion is the worst.
    Thomas Paine
    English-born American political activist, philosopher, political theor (1737 - 1809)
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  • Anatole France Of all the ways of defining man, the worst is the one which makes him out to be a rational animal.
    Anatole France
    French writer and Nobel laureate in literature (1921) (1844 - 1924)
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  • Bernard Cornwell Of course some days are easier than others, but my worst day is better than being in most humdrum occupations.
    Bernard Cornwell
    British author of historical novels (1944 - )
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  • Sam Snead Of the mental hazards, being scared is the worst. When you get scared, you get tense.
    Sam Snead
    American professional golfer (1912 - 2002)
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  • Bob Dylan Once upon a time you dressed so fine, threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you.
    People call, say beware doll, you're bound to fall, you thought they were all, kiddin you.
    Source: Highway 61 Revisited (1965)
    Bob Dylan
    American musician (1941 - )
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  • Aldous Huxley One of the great attractions of patriotism - it fulfills our worst wishes. In the person of our nation we are able, vicariously, to bully and cheat. Bully and cheat, what's more, with a feeling that we are profoundly virtuous.
    Aldous Huxley
    English writer (1894 - 1963)
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  • Danny Mcgoorty One of the worst things that can happen to you in life is to win a bet on a horse at an early age.
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  • Ford Maddox Only two classes of books are of universal appeal. The very best and the very worst.
    Ford Maddox
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  • Thomas Alva Edison Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
    Source: An Enemy Called Average (1990) by John L. Mason , p. 55.
    Thomas Alva Edison
    American inventor and founder of General Electric (1847 - 1931)
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  • Nathaniel Hawthorne Our most intimate friend is not he to whom we show the worst, but the best of our nature.
    Nathaniel Hawthorne
    American short story writer (1804 - 1864)
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  • Jean de la Bruyère Outward simplicity befits ordinary men, like a garment made to measure for them; but it serves as an adornment to those who have filled their lives with great deeds: they might be compared to some beauty carelessly dressed and thereby all the more attractive.
    Jean de la Bruyère
    French writer (1645 - 1696)
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  • Lin Yü-tang Peace of mind is that mental condition in which you have accepted the worst.
    Lin Yü-tang
    Chinese writer (1895 - 1976)
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  • Sir Cecil Beaton Perhaps the world's second worst crime is boredom. The first is being a bore.
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  • Thomas Hardy Pessimism is, in brief, playing the sure game. You cannot lose at it; you may gain. It is the only view of life in which you can never be disappointed. Having reckoned what to do in the worst possible circumstances, when better arise, as they may, life becomes child's play.
    Thomas Hardy
    British writer and poet (1840 - 1928)
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  • David Gemmell Plan for the worst, expect the best.
    Source: Legend
    David Gemmell
    British author of heroic fantasy (1948 - 2006)
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  • Mahatma Gandhi Poverty is the worst form of violence.
    Mahatma Gandhi
    Indian politician (1869 - 1948)
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  • Hillary Clinton Probably my worst quality is that I get very passionate about what I think is right.
    Hillary Clinton
    American politician (1947 - )
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