Quotes by Beck


American musician, singer and songwriter

Lived from: 1970 -

Category: Music

Born: 8 july 1970

Quotes 1 till 20 of 40.

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  • As society changes, as politics change, as people change, certain songs still seem to resonate.
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  • Being able to take musical ideas through every iteration is attractive to me. Granted, not everyone's going to want to listen to that, but it should exist.
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  • But people like to say, Oh, it's in the blood. But art comes from nowhere. It comes from a vague, scary place. It's scary because you don't know when it's coming or if it will ever come again. It's this Other.
    Source: Q magazine, April 2000
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  • Every band I knew or played with had flyers and properly-recorded demos and contacts; I couldn't even get a gig.
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  • Every time you go in, it's like starting over. You don't know how you did the other records. You're learning all over. It's some weird musician amnesia, or maybe the road wipes it out.
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  • Growing up, a film was an action film or it was a comedy or it was romantic, but you don't really see such stark lines between genres nowadays.
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  • I don't need to cry so much. I think whatever you let loose with crying, I let loose with singing. I tend to be the one who wants... I'm trying to say this without sounding too touchy-feely. I'm usually the one who's better at comforting the person who's crying, you know?
    Source: Jane magazine, April 2000
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  • I have a fear of heights, so falling off something very tall. But I've conquered a good amount of my fears. I guess most people would have the fear of getting up in front of a large audience of people and making a fool of themselves. I've gotten over that.
    Source: On the Couch, NME
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  • I recently saw The Last American Virgin, one of those early-'80s coming-of-age movies. And the actors, they look like kids you grew up with! Today's teen movies, I didn't know anybody who looked like that. The standards now are so unbelievably high.
    Source: Spin magazine, December 1999
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  • I think it's interesting being American, the expectations for an American guy, and the image that has to be projected. 'Oh, I can't wear pink,' that kind of stuff. There's none of that in Europe.
    Source: Black Book magazine, Fall 2002
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  • I try not to obsess about recording. I'm definitely the one who will leave all the mistakes-to have that balance between what's undone and done. I try to move on to the next thing. I have friends who have been working on the same song for five, six years. They just won't let the songs go.
    Source: Rolling Stone magazine, 1996
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  • I'm just taking one step at a time. I could zigzag one way, but it's not usually on purpose.
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  • I'm not good at the protocols of dating. I'm not really experienced in that. My girlfriend is my second or third girlfriend. I think in the past none of us really knew when we were dating-we were just hanging out and doing things. I didn't go to high school so I missed the prom.
    Source: Jane magazine, April 2000
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  • I'm the artist formally known as Beck. I have a genius wig. When I put that wig on, then the true genius emerges. I don't have enough hair to be a genius. I think you have to have hair going everywhere.
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  • I've personally reached the point where the sound of MP3s are so uncompelling, because so much is lost in translation.
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  • If someone is making a judgment when they don't have firsthand experience, it's intolerant. How can you make a judgment on something you don't know about?
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  • In Japan, you get on the bullet train or the airplane, and I loved the little speeches the stewardesses would do. They even do little speeches before you play gigs.
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  • In recording, you're trying to make something work sonically - getting the right inflection on the right guitar sound - and maybe a part that would be musically great doesn't sound as cool. On paper, though, it's all stripped back. The musical idea is the one that wins.
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  • In the past it seemed like I was making fun of rap a little bit. But it was more me making fun of myself, since I'm not technically a rapper, whatever that means.
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  • It's really hard for me to commit, one way or the other. I was just always creating and seeing what came out.
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