Quotes by Benjamin Mkapa

Benjamin Mkapa

Tanzanian politician

Lived from: 1938 - 2020

Category: Politics

Born: 12 november 1938 Died: 24 july 2020

Quotes 1 till 6 of 6.

  • Our reason for withdrawal is simple. We are party to too many regional trading organisations. The sum effect of this means that our membership is extremely costly to sustain and we must rationalise our participation in such ventures.
    Source: Reason for withdrawal from COMESA, September 1999
    Benjamin Mkapa
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  • Terrorist attacks in their own countries do not generate travel advisories aimed at discouraging citizens of other countries from visiting. Why is it that only when threats of terrorist attacks are perceived in our kind of countries are travel advisories issued?
    Source: Accusing western countries of issuing indiscriminate travel warnings, 2003-06-24
    Benjamin Mkapa
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  • The idea of African brotherhood is often just a cover-up for laziness. We must see what is achievable in our circumstances and evaluate all decisions. In terms of regional economic integration, sentimentality is not enough. We really have to be frank and honest.
    Source: September 1999
    Benjamin Mkapa
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  • We could have waited for a donor to appear, but we believe in the spirit of self-development and confidence. We are not so poor that we are unable to carry out this project.
    Source: On construction of the Unity Bridge, January 2005
    Benjamin Mkapa
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  • We have a propensity for starting and joining all kinds of organisations, the result was that we were spending more time in conferences than implementing the decisions.
    Source: Commenting on Tanzanias withdrawal from COMESA. 2000-09-04
    Benjamin Mkapa
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  • When a jumbo jet crashes, we will rush in with assistance, but we forget that each day 30,000 children die unnecessarily from poverty-related preventable causes - equivalent to 100 jumbo jets crashing every day.
    Source: At the United Nations 60th summit, 2005-09-16
    Benjamin Mkapa
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