Quotes by Beryl Markham

Beryl Markham

English-born Kenyan aviator, racehorse trainer and author

Lived from: 1902 - 1986

Category: Writers (Contemporary)

Quotes 1 till 6 of 6.

  • A lovely horse is always an experience.... It is an emotional experience of the kind that is spoiled by words.
    Beryl Markham
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  • A man can be riddled with malaria for years on end, with its chills and its fevers and its nightmares, but if one day he sees that the water from his kidneys is black, he knows he will not leave that place again, wherever he is, or wherever he hoped to be.
    Beryl Markham
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  • For all professional pilots there exists a kind of guild, without charter and without by-laws. It demands no requirements for inclusion save an understanding of the wind, the compass, the rudder, and fair fellowship.
    Beryl Markham
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  • In Africa people learn to serve each other. They live on credit balances of little favors that they give and may, one day, ask to have returned.
    Beryl Markham
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  • The world grows bigger as the light leaves it. There are no boundaries and no landmarks. The trees and the rocks and the anthills begin to disappear, one by one, whisked away under the magical cloak of evening.
    Beryl Markham
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  • You can live a lifetime and, at the end of it, know more about other people than you know about yourself.
    Beryl Markham
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