Quotes by Beth Grant

Beth Grant

American actress

Lived from: 1949 -

Category: Movie

Born: 18 september 1949

Quotes 1 till 6 of 6.

  • Frequently over the years, people have thought that they know me. Every character actor has this story, I'm sure. It goes like this: 'Um, do you play soccer?' 'Did you go to such and such church?' 'I knew you when you were with so and so... ' Then I go, 'Well, sorry...' and then they say, 'Wait a minute. Are you an actor?'
    Beth Grant
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  • My daughter's favorite musical is 'Wicked,' which she has seen hundreds of times - she even worked as an usher at the Pantages so she could see it over and over. Her dream is to play Elphaba.
    Beth Grant
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  • The fans of 'Speed' are very different from the fans of 'To Wong Foo,' which are different from 'Donnie Darko.' Look at the classics I've been in: 'No Country for Old Men'... 'Little Miss Sunshine'... 'Rain Man' was my first big studio movie! How lucky is that?
    Beth Grant
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  • There is nothing like going on a stage. You are in the saddle, and you've got to ride that horse, and there's nothing more thrilling and exhilarating.
    Beth Grant
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  • Tone is so important because you can have a great script just be ruined with the wrong director - if they shtick it up or something. With 'Little Miss Sunshine,' I was so concerned they weren't going to play the pageant official realistically because you don't have to wink to play those kinds of characters.
    Beth Grant
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  • When I hit New York in 1972, I thought I was a sprinter. I thought that I would star in a Broadway show and do a movie and win an Oscar by the time I was 25. It turned out that I'm a long distance runner.
    Beth Grant
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