Quotes by Blake McIver Ewing

Blake McIver Ewing

American singer-songwriter, actor and pianist

Lived from: 1985 -

Category: Music | Movie

Born: 27 march 1985

Quotes 1 till 3 of 3.

  • In the male homosexual community, we love to label and categorize and organize each other as if we are in a never-ending high school biology class.
    Blake McIver Ewing
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  • It's not particularly fun to have to factor in step stools to almost all areas of your home.
    Blake McIver Ewing
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  • When I was 14, I came very close to becoming a gay teen suicide 'statistic,' but I then turned to music, my piano, my loved ones, and discovered that it does in fact get better.
    Blake McIver Ewing
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