Quotes by Brooke Shields

Brooke Shields

American actress and model

Lived from: 1965 -

Category: Movie

Born: 31 may 1965

Quotes 1 till 20 of 40.

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  • I've never been naturally fashion conscious. I'm the kind of person who sees a whole outfit in a magazine, runs out and buys it but looks like a clown.
    Brooke Shields
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  • At Princeton I gained a great deal of pleasure from success in my classes. knowing that I could accomplish those things, and I realized that my success was directly proportionate to the work I put in.
    Brooke Shields
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  • Being nice to everybody, saying hello to everyone in the room, signing every autograph; it was instilled in me at a very young age that this was what I was suppose to do. But I don't think it helps at all. I see more people who are rude or arrogant being rewarded - but, this way, I can put my head on the pillow at night.
    Brooke Shields
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  • Don't waste a minute not being happy. If one window closes, run to the next window- or break down a door.
    Brooke Shields
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  • Eight shows a week is daunting, and it can be terrifying. But it just instills such a sense of confidence and growth.
    Brooke Shields
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  • Everybody says, 'When you have kids, you really get away from yourself.' But really, it's the most selfish thing I've ever done. It's like, Okay, I'm going to create unconditional love for myself, and I'm going to need it and want it and ask for it every day, and I'm going to get it.
    Brooke Shields
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  • From the time I could speak, I knew I wanted to have children. It was just an innate desire.
    Brooke Shields
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  • Honesty is the quality I value most in a friend. Not bluntness, but honesty with compassion.
    Brooke Shields
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  • I always feel like the odd mom out, because trust me when I tell you I'm on my girls. And every time I am, I know from the outside it looks like I'm an overbearing, controlling parent. But I don't think we have any responsibility to anybody else but our kids and ourselves.
    Brooke Shields
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  • I don't like to leave my children for long periods of time. It's made me more picky about roles that are close, especially on television.
    Brooke Shields
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  • I have a group of friends in my life, and we all give each other something different. I've known my two closest friends for many years. One is a friend from high school, and the other I met right after college. My deep, deep friends remind me every day of the good parts of my personality.
    Brooke Shields
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  • I have always liked lionesses. Female lions have always seemed like the best. They were really strong and took care of their babies and are beautiful.
    Brooke Shields
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  • I have bad-mom moments all the time. Sometimes I have the wrong reaction, but I try to remember to pull back and think about it. Even when I make the mistake, I'm able to then go, 'Oh, okay, let's do this again.'
    Brooke Shields
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  • I hope this will help new moms not feel alone or desperate, and that there is no shame in their feelings. PPD is out of their control, but the treatment and healing process is not.
    Brooke Shields
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  • I suffered from post-natal depression after Rowan was born. I had a healthy, beautiful baby girl and I couldn't look at her. I couldn't hold her, smile at her. All I wanted was to disappear and die.
    Brooke Shields
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  • I think I'm going to have to live vicariously through my daughter's rebellion because I certainly never did go through adolescence.
    Brooke Shields
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  • I was such a nerd, a complete geek, but then I was lucky enough to have a fancy career, where I can be like 'See, I'm not a nerd. Look, I'm in 'Vogue.'
    Brooke Shields
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  • I went to an ordinary school in New York City with no other actors. I learned to compartmentalise different parts of my life. I was one person at home and then another person at work and for that reason my career didn't challenge my family life.
    Brooke Shields
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  • I would have thought that I would have become one of those parents - just because it's my nature to be such a perfectionist - that anything falling short, I would have seen as a failure. But something has happened to me over the past few years - it's not Zen, believe me, I'm not at all Zen - but I'm so appreciative of even the chaos.
    Brooke Shields
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  • I'm a hands-on mum and I'm lucky to be able to be that. I can remember the things my mum used to do with me and that time together is so important.
    Brooke Shields
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